Γραμμένο από Guin, 10.02.2025 at 15:06
Γραμμένο από Guillotine, 09.02.2025 at 13:40
De facto there is no Palestine, it is either Palestinian Authority which has no army, or Gaza ruled by Hamas.
De facto there are divisions to Yemen too.
Also, what about all the terrorist group that hold territories in Somalia for example.
Γραμμένο από Guillotine, 09.02.2025 at 13:10
Bro decide if you want recognized countries map or de facto map
Γραμμένο από Eph, 05.02.2025 at 13:43
Bonjour. 2011 ish OG. Had my most fun with TopHat etc back in the day. Had alot of fun trolling over the years, then tride to be fair honest and got trolled in return lol. had great fun in 2v2s 3v3s. Made some good friends that I speak with to this day in 2025
Γραμμένο από Eph, 05.02.2025 at 13:43
Bonjour. 2011 ish OG. Had my most fun with TopHat etc back in the day. Had alot of fun trolling over the years, then tride to be fair honest and got trolled in return lol. had great fun in 2v2s 3v3s. Made some good friends that I speak with to this day in 2025
Γραμμένο από Dave, 31.01.2025 at 18:50
Γραμμένο από woojoo, 30.01.2025 at 06:08
I know that atWar will be shutdown in the future, when Dave decides that he doesn't want to continue on with this game, I'm not sure who would pick it up. I want to dedicate this thread to us expressing our love and gratitude for this game. No matter how few people we are, we'll still play this game till the day it dies.
I'll go first. I made my first account in 2014 under the name of PartySUPERB15. I played up until rank 7, then completely forgot about the game, until I re-discovered it back in 2018. That's when I made my main account here, woojoo. I didn't meet many people through the game, but I hope I got along with you guys well enough (even if I am shit at 3v3s).
atWar is not shutting down lol.... I intend to keep it going for the long haul. Even if I'm the last one playing the game against a bunch of bots!
But otherwise I like the idea of this thread. I'll go: I started in 2018 (I think?) with my super-secret alt that still lurks in casuals from time to time. I still love the game, just wish I had more time to play these days.
Γραμμένο από Puchao., 02.02.2025 at 11:14
No crying
Γραμμένο από SaschaRopeToday, 04.02.2025 at 13:55
Γραμμένο από captainFarragut, 03.02.2025 at 17:31
I started back in college in 2016. I picked captainFarragut as my username in honor of my favorite US Naval Commander, and have stuck with the name since.
I got back after a 4-7 year hiatus to mostly just play casual games. I think they're great. A single casual game can be almost a highlight of a month(or even several).
While I have several problems with the game, it's still arguably my favorite strategy game(definitely my favorite war game), and it's so nice to know that this game is still going to be up for the foreseeable future.
Γραμμένο από captainFarragut, 03.02.2025 at 17:31
I started back in college in 2016. I picked captainFarragut as my username in honor of my favorite US Naval Commander, and have stuck with the name since.
I got back after a 4-7 year hiatus to mostly just play casual games. I think they're great. A single casual game can be almost a highlight of a month(or even several).
While I have several problems with the game, it's still arguably my favorite strategy game(definitely my favorite war game), and it's so nice to know that this game is still going to be up for the foreseeable future.