27.03.2011 - 04:59
As far as I have noticed, leaving a game is a quite controversial issue throughout the users. Leaving a game deliberately instead of surrendering is practiced by quite a few people, especially if they are at the edge of defeat. There are others, wo really feel offended by this kind of behaviour, thus stating that those could have easily used the "surrender"-button, but somehow did not want their statistics to go bad, I guess. I admit, that I have left the game myself sometimes. There are a lot of reasons, why people leave the game: Going to a party, friends coming to your house, etc. And, if you agree to those demanding a sanction in form of lost SP for leaving a game, those people would be punished as well, because the just chose their real life over afterwind: This can't be the intention of such a sanction. Therefor I propose, that people leaving a game do not use SP or anything, but are prevented from joining any other afterwind game for let's say 10 minutes or something. That would not bother the ones leaving for good reasons, but maybe some people would think twice about clicking the "leave game" button. And for all the others, there still is the possibility to surrender. Just some of my thoughts after reading some discussions about that and perceiving some people being nerved by leavers. /discuss
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27.03.2011 - 06:01
I say a one hour temporary ban would be good. If you have to leave because of IRL you aren't playing anyway and will not suffer. If you ragequit because you are a sore loser you will have to wait an hour to play again!
27.03.2011 - 06:19
There's already a punishment - if you quit the game as opposed to surrendering, you don't get any SP at all. When surrendering, you get half of the SP you earned.
27.03.2011 - 06:29
Sure, but some poeple don't consider this to be enough. I does not hurt anybody to gain no SP, especially if it is in a Europe game, where he has played for example 9 turns: Nobody cares about getting 45 SP or 0. Just to clarify the point. Nevertheless, I can't judge the time and effort to implement something like this. So maybe it's not worth it...
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27.03.2011 - 08:10
I think the current system is working fine. as you said there are a few who do this.. I would hate to join a game... then my wife calls me (and I think it will take an hour. so I leave) then I find out it only took 5 min... so now I have to sit around and waist time because people think a person that leaves should get punished. na... not right.. I think the admins have alot of things right right now with the game and dont need to be recreating the weal. they should be thinking of what next great thing will we add to the game.
27.03.2011 - 08:56
Offended by people leaving a game? Who cares if they do that, just worry about yourself and play, remember, this is a game. This is a total non issue.
27.03.2011 - 09:27
27.03.2011 - 11:20
yup. yup.
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27.03.2011 - 14:11
Easiest fix: "You are already in a game. Finish that game first before joining a new one." ?
27.03.2011 - 14:26
---- ~
27.03.2011 - 22:06
Your leaving a game with lets say 100SP(a decent amount for a small map) realize you only looseing 50 sp and thats IF you win. But i do feel that a leaver should not be alowed to rejoin. I feel this because they usualy blitz the player who just took there capital and thats kinda pore sport. I also have seen them spam the chat as well.
---- Where's the BEEF!
27.03.2011 - 23:53
If you leave a game it still goes onto your games played, so it is affecting your stats still I count game win percentage by gameswon/gamesplayed Not games lost, if you exit the game, it counts as a loss to me.
28.03.2011 - 05:41
I agree with Ivan. Only very sad and greedy person will "Leave"- having 1k SP on they hands and, thus, abandoning 500 of them. But I do think, it should also be in stats, maybe, even count as Game Lost
---- Very vicious moderator
28.03.2011 - 07:11
It does count as a game loss..don't you guys see that? it isn't a victory, so it''s a loss easiest solution would be to have a percentage of games won on your profile which would be: gameswon/gamesplayed so say someone has played 150 won 50 lost 50. your percentage would be 33% games won. 50/150 and not 50% like all of you seem to think?
28.03.2011 - 13:59
I like to do testing games so that wouldnt be to presise for me.... Also @ Urlander if you only have 100 sp for a small map like europe you just had a sad game or just allied with everyone. Either way people leaving with less than 100 sp doesnt bother me because they arnt worth killing.
28.03.2011 - 15:28
this would mess up people who have d/c's and do test/training games, so it wouldn't work very well.
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29.03.2011 - 00:23
What im trying to point out is the SP. I myself dont leave i always surender. But if i was going to loose 500sp Y would i leave? if i was to loose 10-100 maybe but not 500+. Also you could put into the game that if a player leaves the winners still get the 1/2 sp of that player and this would solve the issue with those who dont leave.
---- Where's the BEEF!
29.03.2011 - 02:34
Yes it's very annoying to build up a force over time and attack (take your time, plan, maneuver etc) When as soon as the other player figures out what is comming he just quits without even fighting so its a huge wate of my time. Some players are very good at staying for the long fight which I always +rep for, while others quit the moment they think they will lose. I almost have to pretend now I have no plan (waste some units make a few 'mistakes' to give the other player confidence) just to keep them in the game. Is this called SP farming? I'm not sure. I know some playersconstly let a city be captured just to recapture and so on for this reason. This and the broken ally system is what annoys me the most. But I do not think there is anything you can do about it. I guess this is not exactly the same as OP's problem but meh.
30.03.2011 - 18:39
Who cares if people quit? I do it quite often I'll admit...but there's nothing "dishonorable" about that, first of all it's a game. Second of all you still won anyways....I don't see the point of this.
---- Bow down before the mathmagician
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