Δημοσιεύσεις: 1   Επισκέφθηκε από: 24 users
06.05.2022 - 14:13
New Game Starting Now

Pax Romanus VIII


1. What's New:

Hello everyone and welcome to Pax Romanus VIII. Minor changes to this game release. I have opened the game up to Rank 4 players. Hopefully this will give them a chance to gain some experience. If you have changes that you would like to see in the game. Let me know.

2. Game Protocols:

Please observe the following game protocols:
• Be considerate of other players when leaving a game. If possible do not leave prematurely.
• Where possible, do not leave a game by timing out. If you have lost the game, surrender.
• Take your turn in a timely manner. Don't be the last player to take your turn every turn.
• Players are no longer restricted to their home countries on turn one.

3. Settings:

• The maximum number of players is twenty (15).
• Starting funds are $50,000.
• Minimum rank is four (4).
• Maximum number of turns is two hundred (200).

4. Player's Invitation List:

The Player's Invitation List will be managed as follows:

You will be added to the Player's Invitation List if:
• You are a new coalition member.
• You join a coalition game (coalition and non-coalition players).
• You request to be added (coalition and non-coalition players).

You will be removed from the Player's Invitation List if:
• You have been inactive in atWar for more than 7 days as of the game release date.
• You request to be removed. All requests are final. No dithering please.
• You have been banned from coalition games.

Good luck to all...


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