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Δημοσιεύθηκε από theFuehrer, 26.08.2016 - 02:10
It has come to my attention that map makers are being unjust with their bans.

I am proposing that changes are made for the greater good of our community.

My proposal: Allow map makers to continue banning players who break rules for their maps, But create a system that resets that bans after a certain amount of time, for example unban a player after one month, six months, or a year... depending on the type of rule he broke. Or have the map maker unban players manually after a certain amount of time.. this is probably the best option since it doesn't require any coding to be done on the admins side.

My reasoning: As of right now, a map maker can ban a player for breaking a rule with evidence, it does not matter what rule the player broke, he could be banned as long as any rule has been broken... Usually, they are banned for life. This is very unfair. It is like having a judge that could sentence you to death because you crossed a red light or drove with out a license.... totally unfair.

This is becoming an issue. I do not have any statistics to back my theory. But I theorize lots of players have quit this game because of this unfair system. Many players have leveled up to rank 7,8,9 and they don't see it worth creating a new account to play a certain map, after they've been banned for the littlest thing. Some guys here only enjoy certain maps by certain creators... these guys just quit the game entirely.... ultimately causing the game to be less enjoyable for us all. Ruthless map creators like A****us and others just don't care about other players... as if banning players boosts their ego or some thing... This needs to be looked into immediately.

So far, I have contacted other supporters and only some seem to support me. Now, I look to gather support from the community and hopefully some moderates that could help make this happen, since they are closer to admins than I am.

Thanks for reading.
28.08.2016 - 07:48
Γραμμένο από Tundy, 27.08.2016 at 18:44

;^) the ban-list was created because map makers were suppose to ban trolls with it (without restrictions).

You know this is not true; it has always been debated, discussed and opposing opinions were expressed by the very map-makers. For instance...

Γραμμένο από Tik-Tok, 22.06.2014 at 13:20

[…] Ive said many times before that I have no intention to ban people unless they grief.
If some people want to act childish, let them. But I seriously doubt you are going to see anyone banning others for simply having different political, racial or sexual differences. I never did and dont intend to in the future. Its a game where most of us voluntarily communicate and play with one another. That is very different from the real world.
Besides, some people might want to collectivise ban lists which Im happy to do if evidence is provided but Im not going to do so if they ban people for mundane and personal issues.
But to be perfectly honest, if you insult and swear and bitch at an admin, you deserve what you get. I dont care most of the time but some admins will and they have every right not to share content with people hostile to them. Mods here certanly dont.


Γραμμένο από Tundy, 20.06.2014 at 10:01

Γραμμένο από notserral, 20.06.2014 at 09:57

We're working hard on a solution that prevents griefing and direct banning (as in, I don't like that guy, I'm going to ban him from my games).

You can't prevent that, it's a necessary evil that comes with the ban list.
28.08.2016 - 09:08
Some kind of negative points, for example harder offenses 10 points etc, if he collects 100 points ban one year on map
It's scary how many possible genocidal war lords play this game, and i could be one of them
28.08.2016 - 11:08
"As of right now, a map maker can ban a player for breaking a rule with evidence, it does not matter what rule the player broke, he could be banned as long as any rule has been broken"

That's what the banlist appeal thread is for. If you are wrongly banned, you can ask to have your ban revoked. Although, maybe the banlist appeal thread should be moved to the front page of the forums?
28.08.2016 - 11:55
Γραμμένο από Tundy, 27.08.2016 at 18:44


... besides I'm the first one to tell players to talk to map-makers and discuss ban with them, to see what can be done... beforte posting something on appeal thread.
Just last week a player sent me PM to revoke his ban by a specific map-maker... I checked the reason for his ban and told him to talk to map-maker cause his ban was legit. If it wasn't I would have suggeted him to talk to map-maker and if this wasn't fruifl, then post on appeal thread.
28.08.2016 - 14:23
Map makers should have control on their maps so there is no problem.
28.08.2016 - 16:07
TheFeuhrer, this is completely fair.

You've got games such as Game of Thrones role play Political and it takes ages for it to load, 30 minutes or more. Once filled, someone may leave, then it'll start a chain reaction of other people leaving, so it ruins that game.

Read the rules and do not break them, why do you have a problem with that? If anything in life, punishments should be harsher, not soft.

Don't be a noob or a troll, simply.

Stannis Baratheon is the true King of Westeros.
28.08.2016 - 16:23
Γραμμένο από Columna Durruti, 28.08.2016 at 07:48

Γραμμένο από Tundy, 27.08.2016 at 18:44

;^) the ban-list was created because map makers were suppose to ban trolls with it (without restrictions).

You know this is not true; it has always been debated, discussed and opposing opinions were expressed by the very map-makers. For instance...

Γραμμένο από Tik-Tok, 22.06.2014 at 13:20

[…] Ive said many times before that I have no intention to ban people unless they grief.
If some people want to act childish, let them. But I seriously doubt you are going to see anyone banning others for simply having different political, racial or sexual differences. I never did and dont intend to in the future. Its a game where most of us voluntarily communicate and play with one another. That is very different from the real world.
Besides, some people might want to collectivise ban lists which Im happy to do if evidence is provided but Im not going to do so if they ban people for mundane and personal issues.
But to be perfectly honest, if you insult and swear and bitch at an admin, you deserve what you get. I dont care most of the time but some admins will and they have every right not to share content with people hostile to them. Mods here certanly dont.


Γραμμένο από Tundy, 20.06.2014 at 10:01

Γραμμένο από notserral, 20.06.2014 at 09:57

We're working hard on a solution that prevents griefing and direct banning (as in, I don't like that guy, I'm going to ban him from my games).

You can't prevent that, it's a necessary evil that comes with the ban list.

I would gladly have the ban-list debate all over again, but i know it won't change anything since this is not a logical debate but a mere conflict and incompatibility of principles and ideologies. For instance you believe that we should make maps for fun and that the map-maker having fun playing the map or not is irrelevant as long as other people enjoy it. While i believe making maps is painfully boring and the only reason i go throw all of that ordeal is because playing the final product is fun given that other players don't ruin my experience.

As regards for tik-tok's quote, is a nice quote indeed but the way you present it makes it a straw-man. I never ban people for "childish" reasons nor "political, racial or sexual differences" and implying that I do is not only an insult to me but also feels like you are trying to tarnish my credibility. My argument is in no contradiction with Tik-Tok's, he said some individuals may abuse the ban-list while i said that abuse can't be prevented. When mods unban some one from a banlist, they are not preventing the list from being abused, they are merely amending the damage that has been done.

The banlist and appeals topics is a flawed concept, no mod has the experience necessary to understand and interpret the alien Eco-system that exists in the scenario's niche. I can explain to you this eco-system but for this argument it won't be necessary.

Mods seem to be opposed to self-regulation to the point were they banned collective ban lists (to there is a tone of loopholes to this rule), Trusted map makers should be trusted with a unrestricted use of the ban-list, take my bans at face value, map makers get nothing out of banning players and is actually extremely time consuming, don't try to be a control-freak and regulate it as if you were Big Brother.
28.08.2016 - 16:59
Γραμμένο από Tundy, 28.08.2016 at 16:23

The banlist and appeals topics is a flawed concept, no mod has the experience necessary to understand and interpret the alien Eco-system that exists in the scenario's niche. I can explain to you this eco-system but for this argument it won't be necessary.

It's time for a mod who plays and understands scenarios yet also understands EU, then they should take over the thread and it'll work out pretty well.
28.08.2016 - 19:14
Γραμμένο από Tundy, 28.08.2016 at 16:23

I would gladly have the ban-list debate all over again, but i know it won't change anything since this is not a logical debate but a mere conflict and incompatibility of principles and ideologies. For instance you believe that we should make maps for fun and that the map-maker having fun playing the map or not is irrelevant as long as other people enjoy it. While i believe making maps is painfully boring and the only reason i go throw all of that ordeal is because playing the final product is fun given that other players don't ruin my experience.

I do actually agree with you. But there are two things here:
  • As map-maker you can ban players from your maps/scenarios if they do jeopardize the game (early stage leavers, trolls, engage in practices that go against the "rules" of map/scenario)... all this with good arguments and they will get support from mods.
  • Ban any player you wish from the games you host. This ban is free to use; no player that hosts a game should be forced to play with a player he/she dislikes. The only exceptions here could be tournament games and CWs; for obvious reasons.

Γραμμένο από Tundy, 28.08.2016 at 16:23

As regards for tik-tok's quote, is a nice quote indeed but the way you present it makes it a straw-man. I never ban people for "childish" reasons nor "political, racial or sexual differences" and implying that I do is not only an insult to me but also feels like you are trying to tarnish my credibility. My argument is in no contradiction with Tik-Tok's, he said some individuals may abuse the ban-list while i said that abuse can't be prevented. When mods unban some one from a banlist, they are not preventing the list from being abused, they are merely amending the damage that has been done.

Exactly. Abuse is inherent to the system, that's why there is a review option.
I never said you abuse the feature; as far as to my knowledge there are no complaints towards your bans. I could be wrong.
But, since you are arguing for THE map-makers and you stated that THE map-makers never agreed on a "limited banning system", I just wanted to point out that there are different opinions as to the use (responsible or not) of the realtive power given to the producers of map and scenario contents.
Don't tae it personal, it isn't. You should know it by now.

Γραμμένο από Tundy, 28.08.2016 at 16:23

The banlist and appeals topics is a flawed concept, no mod has the experience necessary to understand and interpret the alien Eco-system that exists in the scenario's niche. I can explain to you this eco-system but for this argument it won't be necessary.
Mods seem to be opposed to self-regulation to the point were they banned collective ban lists (to there is a tone of loopholes to this rule), Trusted map makers should be trusted with a unrestricted use of the ban-list, take my bans at face value, map makers get nothing out of banning players and is actually extremely time consuming, don't try to be a control-freak and regulate it as if you were Big Brother.

This is a fallacy; I do not agree on this.
This is not rocket-science.
You talk as if there are no map-making nor scenario playing mods.
It's not about control-freakness, it's about reviewing SOME cases of "unfair bans". Nothing more.
02.09.2016 - 05:08
Waht if some emergency and the player left the game. This is also breaking the rule but you cannot ban him and limit his skills in that game
02.09.2016 - 10:54
If its an emergency tell the people in the game....
i think i might be hairbags - zizou
02.09.2016 - 13:37
Γραμμένο από Tundy, 26.08.2016 at 15:28

Γραμμένο από Oleg, 26.08.2016 at 15:27

Γραμμένο από Black Vortex, 26.08.2016 at 15:22

When I was rank 6 I was aware of this, ignorance is not an excuse.

when you were r6 it was 2013, everyone was leveling slower than now.
r10 in 1 year.
r10 in 3 years

They also ban you in RP if you leave turn 1. Ranks 6 have no excuse to leave turn 1.

2010, and i am still not rank 10 ;__;

02.09.2016 - 17:02
Adog you dont even play atwar
i think i might be hairbags - zizou
03.09.2016 - 04:31
[gl] 1GodofWar1: ENIGMA has an open recruitmen for the new season if you like to join a competitive clan learn and cw pr/pm me or tirpitz or send an application


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