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22.08.2015 - 19:02
So ever since emare and madara became moderators alot of people complained about them, most of those complains were more about emare. I didn't really understand why since the first day emare became mod he helped me with some serious problems in and outside aw and for that I still thank him.
But lately I have experienced myself the moderator emare with his ''powers'', and to be honest I think this is getting out of hand.
I have no problems with the dude himself as a person since I think he is a great person, just the way he brings things are just a big nono for me.

You guys will probably say im butthurt or a hater etc. But you can ask goblin (who apperantly dislikes emare, as he outed that in a thread, that I have no problem with him since he even asked my opinion about that).

I made a thread in General Discussion about fixing the ignore buttons: http://atwar-game.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=21160
And within less than 30mins the thread got already moved twice and locked for no reason at all. ( I can accept the fact that it didn't belong in General Discussion, but thats all.)
So I pr'ed emare today since he hasn't been replying to my pm's for the last couple days. And these is the results of the chat:

Read from up to down. Then go to the right side and read again from up to down.

This belongs at the end of the chat, so after the last SS of the right side.

So not only did he not give me a reason to unlock the thread, he also decided to act what I think was pretty immature and he went offline without actually solving a problem, which he partly caused.

I decided to not get dragged into the moderators stuff again but I couldn't help and give a view of my side with my experiences with emare since recently alot of people got muted/punished/banned/threads got closed/moved for no reason (idk what more) by him and I think admins should take an reconsidering or just take a hold on this mod.

Just to make things clear, I am not holding a grudge again this mod, I don't hate his clan or his clanmembers, I am not jealous of him being a moderator, I do not hate him. I simply have a problem with the way how he moderates some things and I wish those could be explained or just fixed.

For emare: Sorry I had to make a thread about it, but it seems like you simply are not able to discuss about some things and I thought this was the only way to maybe reviewing yourself the way you handle some things. And yes, I did pm the admins about it to. Nothing personal.

Γραμμένο από Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

Waffel for mod 2015
22.08.2015 - 19:19

The conversation should had be over right there. Other mods would mute you after this point, you should be thankful.
22.08.2015 - 19:29
You reported the issue. Great. Now what?

As you already know, a server move is happening. Not only that, but also HTML5( is progressing towards beta in September - so darn close!)

Of course I haven't been replying. I've been AFK most of the time you sent me the PRs.
I've told you that several times now.

Regarding the ignore button:
That day you posted about 3 threads on one minor issue - ignore button not working for spectators.

Why 3? My guess is your personal issues with another player whose name I won't mention - and the fact that both of you got muted for insulting each other many times over - insults based on ethnicity.

Now, since you got muted and apparently the other player's mute didn't work, you started accusing me of bias.

I told you I will remute the player. You kept on the accusations.

Now, I don't waste my time deliberately taking screenshots of private conversations to then somehow shame the other person - or whatever your goal was here.
So I don't have screenshots for what you accused me of yesterday.
Afterall private chat it's supposed to be private

Another now:
Now, since every conversation( after becoming a mod) to-date you've started with me has been about taking screenshots and then trying to use those against me( but failing!), I will, as of the moment this was posted, no longer reply to your PRs. PMs - yes.

Any troll replies will have screenshots of them taken and then removed.
22.08.2015 - 19:51
Γραμμένο από e Mare, 22.08.2015 at 19:29

You reported the issue. Great. Now what?

As you already know, a server move is happening. Not only that, but also HTML5( is progressing towards beta in September - so darn close!)

Of course I haven't been replying. I've been AFK most of the time you sent me the PRs.
I've told you that several times now.

Regarding the ignore button:
That day you posted about 3 threads on one minor issue - ignore button not working for spectators.

Why 3? My guess is your personal issues with another player whose name I won't mention - and the fact that both of you got muted for insulting each other many times over - insults based on ethnicity.

Now, since you got muted and apparently the other player's mute didn't work, you started accusing me of bias.

I told you I will remute the player. You kept on the accusations.

Now, I don't waste my time deliberately taking screenshots of private conversations to then somehow shame the other person - or whatever your goal was here.
So I don't have screenshots for what you accused me of yesterday.
Afterall private chat it's supposed to be private

Any troll replies will have screenshots of them taken and then removed.

So because of the big move of html 5 you justify your actions and the way you act? Because what I remember was that I pr'ed you about this ignore button. I told you that this problem is already since the existence of AW and it is just a little fix and it would solve a huge problem.

Now what I don't like is the way you make-up those things you just mentioned. I mean did I lie in this thread? No. Then why are you? You weren't afk at all throughout our chats only in the beginning. (the first screenshot). I didn't make 3 threads about it I made only 1 thread about it. I remember talking with cthulhu earlier that day and he gave me a tip if I wanted to propose something (as idea suggestion for AW/html5) I should do that in the html 5 forum section. That was the reason I copy and pasted the first thread I made in general discussion and put it in html 5 one.
I even pr'ed you before creating that second thread in html 5 forum if it was possible for you to move the one from General discussion to the html 5 one. But you ignored that one and that was why I decided to make that thread.

The mute you gave me has nothing to do with this thread or the chat that took place today. I was mad about you for the mute because the other person who insulted me the whole day which I reported for more then 8 times didn't get muted. Instead of that I got reported 1 time for something that was not that harsh compared what the other person said the whole day. And what made me mad was the fact you said he was muted and I even provided you with screenshots how he was talking in the spectatorchat of the game I was in, and yet you didn't believe me and kept on going that he was muted. Then you said later it was probably a bug of the game and not your fault. And then later on you ran off again, just like you did today.

And if I didn't provide screenshots you would've probably denied the whole chat we had, and I am kinda of tired of those ''it is, it is not'' games.

Oh and by the way, I already mentioned the reason I made this thread, and I am kinda surprised you even commented on it.

Γραμμένο από Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

Waffel for mod 2015
22.08.2015 - 19:56
YESSSSSSSSSSS, finally something interesting in Gen.discussion


22.08.2015 - 20:03
Γραμμένο από Waffel, 22.08.2015 at 19:51

So because of the big move of html 5 you justify your actions and the way you act? Because what I remember was that I pr'ed you about this ignore button. I told you that this problem is already since the existence of AW and it is just a little fix and it would solve a huge problem.

Now what I don't like is the way you make-up those things you just mentioned. I mean did I lie in this thread? No. Then why are you? You weren't afk at all throughout our chats only in the beginning. (the first screenshot). I didn't make 3 threads about it I made only 1 thread about it. I remember talking with cthulhu earlier that day and he gave me a tip if I wanted to propose something (as idea suggestion for AW/html5) I should do that in the html 5 forum section. That was the reason I copy and pasted the first thread I made in general discussion and put it in html 5 one.
I even pr'ed you before creating that second thread in html 5 forum if it was possible for you to move the one from General discussion to the html 5 one. But you ignored that one and that was why I decided to make that thread.

The mute you gave me has nothing to do with this thread or the chat that took place today. I was mad about you for the mute because the other person who insulted me the whole day which I reported for more then 8 times didn't get muted. Instead of that I got reported 1 time for something that was not that harsh compared what the other person said the whole day. And what made me mad was the fact you said he was muted and I even provided you with screenshots how he was talking in the spectatorchat of the game I was in, and yet you didn't believe me and kept on going that he was muted. Then you said later it was probably a bug of the game and not your fault. And then later on you ran off again, just like you did today.

And if I didn't provide screenshots you would've probably denied the whole chat we had, and I am kinda of tired of those ''it is, it is not'' games.

Oh and by the way, I already mentioned the reason I made this thread, and I am kinda surprised you even commented on it.

The big move and HTML5 have to do with overstating a small issue( in the face of the big move), which happens to be a personal one, with the player whose name I won't mention.

I was AFK, especially when I "late-replied".

The issue has been reported, by you. Why are you not happy about it?
If you ever need an issue to be in the spotlight, just ask me or any other mod who's available.
Γραμμένο από clovis1122, 22.08.2015 at 19:19

The conversation should had be over right there. Other mods would mute you after this point, you should be thankful.

And your madness lives on 'til this day, to make this thread, doesn't it?

As soon as you said the mute didn't work on the other player, I said "This thing is buggy." You kept accusing me of bias, despite me reiterating the statement of the system being buggy.

And I hate to break it to you, but Madara is in no-way related to the recent "events".
22.08.2015 - 20:04
Its not recommended to openly assault a mod or anyother player in topics, don't you know this after all the years on this game waffel? Yet it is you who speaks of maturity.
22.08.2015 - 21:19

"3.3. Do not post to pillory other players. If you have a problem with another player or want to report something please contact a moderator.
3.4. Do not post about locked or deleted threads or other moderation actions on forums or in public chat channels in game.
3.5. Posts deemed inappropriate to a particular forum will be moved to a more appropriate section or even removed completely. Posts that have been removed are not to be re-posted
22.08.2015 - 21:27
Inb4 thread lock

edit: i like e mare tbh, he helped me with one of my maps, and we also have heated american political debates (still not sure why he cares cos he's from finland). At the end of the day, nice guy, but in this instance, yea looks little far

Edit: am too lazy to read entire thread, so I could be wrong lol

22.08.2015 - 22:00
Make Nero mod!

TJM !!!
22.08.2015 - 22:47
Someone said above that Waffel "openly assauled a mod." I don't think he assaulted the mod (check the definition please). He never called e mare any inappropriate names or do anything offensive. All he did was bring up a topic that has been hotly debated recently and shown an event that has happened to him. In my opinion, e mare could have easily have solved the issue in a more controlled, and mature fashion. To ignore people like that is uncalled for. Mods are suppose to help the community by answering questions players may have or solving problems, etc. I understand mods have lives too and have other things going on for them, but they can't treat players this way. All Waffel was doing was trying to get answers as to why his thread was locked and if it could be unlocked. A reasonable way for a mod to handle this situation is to simply respond and answer the question and then to give a legitimate reason to continue to lock the thread. This issue that Waffel brought up I'm sure has been discussed before, but it has never been solved. Yes we know html5 is coming.... everyone knows that by now. With this in mind, you don't see every other idea being locked with the excuse "html 5 is coming we don't have time for this." In all honesty, there should be a set of rules regarding when/ why a thread can be locked and then a way for players to appeal a locked thread. It's despicable to see these actions happen to players.

I have always tried to stay away from these topics about moderators and the game. In all honesty, most of them do a fine job and I have had numerous cases of mods helping me. I have had questions answered and help to recover my account and in both cases, a mod has always been able to help me. I hope no one sees this as an attack against the mods. It's just sad to see events similar to this happening to players.
23.08.2015 - 02:14
Γραμμένο από Dereny, 22.08.2015 at 22:47

Someone said above that Waffel "openly assauled a mod." I don't think he assaulted the mod (check the definition please). He never called e mare any inappropriate names or do anything offensive. All he did was bring up a topic that has been hotly debated recently and shown an event that has happened to him. In my opinion, e mare could have easily have solved the issue in a more controlled, and mature fashion. To ignore people like that is uncalled for. Mods are suppose to help the community by answering questions players may have or solving problems, etc. I understand mods have lives too and have other things going on for them, but they can't treat players this way. All Waffel was doing was trying to get answers as to why his thread was locked and if it could be unlocked. A reasonable way for a mod to handle this situation is to simply respond and answer the question and then to give a legitimate reason to continue to lock the thread. This issue that Waffel brought up I'm sure has been discussed before, but it has never been solved. Yes we know html5 is coming.... everyone knows that by now. With this in mind, you don't see every other idea being locked with the excuse "html 5 is coming we don't have time for this." In all honesty, there should be a set of rules regarding when/ why a thread can be locked and then a way for players to appeal a locked thread. It's despicable to see these actions happen to players.

I have always tried to stay away from these topics about moderators and the game. In all honesty, most of them do a fine job and I have had numerous cases of mods helping me. I have had questions answered and help to recover my account and in both cases, a mod has always been able to help me. I hope no one sees this as an attack against the mods. It's just sad to see events similar to this happening to players.

Here goes http://atwar-game.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=1843

Γραμμένο από Abraham, 22.08.2015 at 21:19

"3.3. Do not post to pillory other players. If you have a problem with another player or want to report something please contact a moderator.
3.4. Do not post about locked or deleted threads or other moderation actions on forums or in public chat channels in game.
3.5. Posts deemed inappropriate to a particular forum will be moved to a more appropriate section or even removed completely. Posts that have been removed are not to be re-posted

"HTML5 is coming we don't have time for this" - no one said that.

Γραμμένο από clovis1122, 22.08.2015 at 19:19

The conversation should had be over right there. Other mods would mute you after this point, you should be thankful.

If you look at the threads he posted( Well, 1 is left),
you'll see how the issue has changed from "This is an issue!" to "Why is this not fixed as soon as I report it, when admins clearly are busy with the server move?"

No, I'm not going to send you the link. If you really want to see it, try to find it yourself. If you can't, just say that and then I will tell you the link.
23.08.2015 - 02:47
Haven't even read the OP (sorry waffel)


Treat mods like other players

IF you need them to do something that affects your gaming experience then ask them to resolve it.
If not and its some personal shit that's going on, sort it out the same you would with any other player.

Case Solved.
23.08.2015 - 20:43
Support waffel, mods shouldn't act so immature and unhelpful
24.08.2015 - 05:52
 brianwl (Διαχειριστής)
Thread temporarily locked. Waffel contacted. Issue to be resolved, however, seems to be in violation of rules 3.3 and 3.4.


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