Δημοσιεύσεις: 16   Επισκέφθηκε από: 80 users
29.12.2013 - 20:23
There's been a lot of talk about coalition wars becoming stale, the competitive scene, and custom maps. People are restless. Some want to see change, and it isn't coming fast enough. Granted, the administrators are busy transferring to HTML5, which will be exciting when it arrives, but it hasn't. A lot of custom maps or scenarios are low quality, unbalanced, and a few even unplayable. Players constantly focusing on EU+ coalition wars make it hard for new comers to enter the field in 3 vs 3's and 1 vs 1's. Perhaps it has gotten too elite for those that don't learn quickly, or those that don't learn to play correctly. Some just don't want to try, or have tried, failed, and never returned, scorning 3 vs 3's forever. They could have just tried again, it isn't that hard, but I suppose a little variance could be fun.

How about we "save" the competitive scene, improve custom map quality, and add a bit of excitement to the game?

Random Map Selection

Made some totally awesome low quality images!

For the competitive side, since these are used as tests of skill, make it as selective and balanced as it can get. To select these we should have a team selected to pick and choose which maps qualify. With moderators automatically included to oversee, give a few competitive players and map makers a new forum to discuss and analyse which maps should be included. Judge every map here based on quality in every form.

Random Competitive:
- EU+ sized or feel to it. Smaller maps that will normally take 25~ turns(usually less) to finish a high-tier game.
- Definitely have a small number allowed here. Since a test of skill is wanted, games should be repeatable. The aim is to add a few extra maps over EU+ to add variance. Perhaps 5-10 maximum, with EU+ as one of the choices.

Random Competitive Large:
- Maps the size of Eurasia or larger. These take 30+ turns to finish.
- Longer games mean more maps can be added. As long as they're balanced
- Not sure about a maximum number. Probably isn't needed.

- - -

Now for the fun side of things. While the two above ideas are supposed to measure skill, you want something else from a random set of maps too. New experiences, fun, and a bit of surprise. This is where we want to put the different, but high quality, maps and scenarios. There should be some way to spread the word of underplayed maps and scenarios as well. New maps are often overlooked, if not for the creator actively playing and promoting it. Like above, except minus the competitive players, just have the map makers discuss and make a list to be approved by moderators.

Random Fun!:
- Have the good map makers and scenario builders give their opinions and declare a collection of maps high quality for every type of game you want.
- This is the selection that map makers want to aim for. This will improve map quality.
- Perhaps make a maximum is needed, but probably not.

Maps to try!:
- New maps with under 50 plays.
- This is to bring forward maps that aren't noticed.
- Possibly allow this type to be selected and used by none-premium players.

- - -

It may be easier to implement in some other way with HTML5, and the names probably aren't that great, but you get the overall idea.

Allow map makers to apply or put forward their own maps for each section. Also keep it down to 4 or so main choices. If someone wants to just have random choices for every type of map, at least make the competitive, map maker collection, and new maps on top and easy to access. Remember the goal is to improve map quality and add a bit of life to the competitive scene. If somebody wants something specific, they can search for it using the filters in game.

I still think that EU+ is the most comfortable fit for clan wars and I'll continue to use it. If we want some random fun though, any random map idea would be pretty cool for normal games.
30.12.2013 - 05:06
Ο λογαριασμός διεγράφη
30.12.2013 - 06:40
The great questions of the day will not be settled by means of speeches and majority decisions but by iron and blood.
30.12.2013 - 12:28

30.12.2013 - 12:46
30.12.2013 - 15:34
30.12.2013 - 19:20
Combo breaker

31.12.2013 - 10:17
31.12.2013 - 11:19
31.12.2013 - 20:51
01.01.2014 - 08:41
Muy bien
very well
très bien
02.01.2014 - 01:52
I think this is a very good idea as it pushes map makers to make good balanced maps for competition and pushes people to try new things. With the 'maps to try' it encourages new map makers to try and put their creations out there. This is the exact blend of custom map fun and competition the game wants and strives to create. Fully support this idea!
We are not the same - I am a Martian.
We are not the same - I am a... divided constellation?

02.01.2014 - 14:09
joke joke
Love, peace and respect.
07.01.2014 - 14:53

08.01.2014 - 07:00

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