Δημοσιεύσεις: 15   Επισκέφθηκε από: 54 users
01.05.2015 - 00:55
I played this game back in 2012 with 3 different accounts and now i came back

because of this, i have no idea what the meta is and what to upgrade first

i have 15k sp
01.05.2015 - 01:30
Depends what kind of game you play, ancient,rp,3v3s whatever. read the descriptioin and buy the one that fits your gameplay best
01.05.2015 - 02:50
Γραμμένο από boywind2, 01.05.2015 at 00:55

I played this game back in 2012 with 3 different accounts and now i came back

because of this, i have no idea what the meta is and what to upgrade first

i have 15k sp

I mosty play europe so this is just my recommandation:
2/Ground Secondary Defense
3/ you save a bit more and get Faster Infantry
4/you save a lot more Expendable Infantry. You will be in a better position to play PD,
1/Sky Menace. (it is not as good as PD for europe but it can be nice for world game and ukraine plus it is fun)
2/Air Transport Capacity I
You win battles by knowing the enemy's timing, and using a timing which the enemy does not expect.
Miyamoto Musashi
01.05.2015 - 03:07
Naval transport capacity probs one the most helpful considering cost
The best players are those who think outside the box and aren't afraid to try something new
01.05.2015 - 05:43
01.05.2015 - 12:17
Γραμμένο από blargh, 01.05.2015 at 05:43



01.05.2015 - 12:25
I too need an upgrade. Got 30k sp in stock, cant decide which. Tempted to take GW and Fast Marines or SM, Had blitz in mind but since the nerf--kinda a let down. Noob at competitive gameplay (3v3 eu+) since I lack proper training, refrains RP, seldom at scenarios/ancient if Time is available but I do suck at 5k, 3k maps since I dont know which strat suits the gameplay.

Help a noob!
01.05.2015 - 12:25
Ο λογαριασμός διεγράφη
01.05.2015 - 13:23
Γραμμένο από Yeomanry, 01.05.2015 at 12:25

I too need an upgrade. Got 30k sp in stock, cant decide which. Tempted to take GW and Fast Marines or SM, Had blitz in mind but since the nerf--kinda a let down. Noob at competitive gameplay (3v3 eu+) since I lack proper training, refrains RP, seldom at scenarios/ancient if Time is available but I do suck at 5k, 3k maps since I dont know which strat suits the gameplay.

Help a noob!

Faster infantry most important. Doesn't matter what kind of games you play. . Try to get all infantry upgrades (except lucky infantry) this one can get later as in rank 8/9.
Also Airtransport and Navaltransport capacity (5 for AT non sm, and 15 capacity for navaltransport) are verry important.

Γραμμένο από Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

Waffel for mod 2015
01.05.2015 - 13:25
Γραμμένο από Waffel, 01.05.2015 at 13:23

Γραμμένο από Yeomanry, 01.05.2015 at 12:25

I too need an upgrade. Got 30k sp in stock, cant decide which. Tempted to take GW and Fast Marines or SM, Had blitz in mind but since the nerf--kinda a let down. Noob at competitive gameplay (3v3 eu+) since I lack proper training, refrains RP, seldom at scenarios/ancient if Time is available but I do suck at 5k, 3k maps since I dont know which strat suits the gameplay.

Help a noob!

Faster infantry most important. Doesn't matter what kind of games you play. . Try to get all infantry upgrades (except lucky infantry) this one can get later as in rank 8/9

Got fast and cheap inf. Not planning with luck inf.

Train me!
01.05.2015 - 14:58
I'm planning to rush faster infantry so i can use pd at its full potential

is this good?
01.05.2015 - 14:58
I'm planning to rush faster infantry so i can use pd at its full potential

is this good?
01.05.2015 - 15:05
Γραμμένο από boywind2, 01.05.2015 at 14:58

faster infantry

01.05.2015 - 16:29
Γραμμένο από Mauzer Panteri, 01.05.2015 at 15:05

Γραμμένο από boywind2, 01.05.2015 at 14:58

faster infantry

intelligence + imagination = extraordinary result
01.05.2015 - 18:06
Γραμμένο από boywind2, 01.05.2015 at 14:58

I'm planning to rush faster infantry so i can use pd at its full potential

is this good?

yes as it can be boring tho saving sp for ages some things you can get that are cheaper and also helpful (most helpful considering small cost) would be ground 2nd defence, imperialist and naval transport capacity if you've already gotten these then faster followed by cheaper inf but all depends on what you find most helpful for how you play
The best players are those who think outside the box and aren't afraid to try something new

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