26.05.2014 - 10:49
Since I have come back to the game ( still working 70+ hours a week lol ) I have decided to post a list of players who do not play in good spirits. Starting off this list will be two players I just ran into in a game with #Weatherboy ... Bad Sportmanship: murat3518 - dereped & enemized onedayss - dereped & enemized Reasons: murat3518 and onedayss - were blacklisted from my games due to poor sportsmanship and when I offered to let them finish me off ( emptied my cap ) versus surrendering or just abandoning they instead conquered cities around my cap and other territories I was in possession with. --- Game occurred on 5/26/14 @ 10:48CST in a 4m 50k World game ---
26.05.2014 - 10:54
Why is that bad sportsmanship? Also capping other cities is more lucrative SP-wise ![]()
26.05.2014 - 10:57
Why should they get duped of SP? They fought that whole game to kill you to earn sp, not just let you roll over and empty your lands.
---- It's not the end. ![]()
26.05.2014 - 11:11
Lol, I applaud those two of taking your cities before your cap. I would have done the same. also >Bad sportsmanship >mfw ![]()
---- ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() TJM !!!
26.05.2014 - 12:02
Indeed, probably who had the bad sportsmanship was you for not fighting back ![]()
26.05.2014 - 12:36
Wow didn't know there was so much unsportsmanlike attitude in our user base .... especially from a mod???? lol jk just differences of opinion I guess. Yes sportsmanship is a preference but still to set it straight I needed to finish moving my stuff from my apartment and I was beaten enough to where drawing it out was not only unsportsmanlike but it was just cruel. I was India and although I had Europe on my side we got out played simple as that and when I conceded the defeat they had already taken my Northern Indian cities except Delhi and I emptied my cap ( a whooping 8 inf ) and allowed them to cap me as I stated earlier I needed to go and wasting my time with SP farmers was not something I had time for. Now say what you like but how many players just simply quit versus trying til the bitter end? They had a chance to get some decent SP so they could have gained more had they simply done one of two things, took my cap or asked me to stay a bit longer so they could do what you all stated but I got no response for two rounds. To clarify something that seems to be the trend, I am not a cry baby ( yes I know that wasnt a term used but same thought process ) I am just stating that these players ( and future players ) I will not play a game with and the reason for that decision just as any of you can feel free to do the same but I am giving them a public notice and a place to contest me if they like; for example miscommunication. It all comes down to do you want to play with a player who will play til the bitter end or play with rage quitters? The choice is yours, I have made my mind up!
The way I play it is, again not a reportable issue but this is just my preference.
They had gotten more SP then they would have from most, I was beat 5 turns earlier but I kept playing. At some point you just have to declare a player is finished.
If that's how you would have played then frankly I wouldn't play with you. But on the other hand I understand what your saying but at some point don't you believe it is right to just put a guy out of his misery if he is willing to stay in with no chance of coming back?
I put up a fight until my backer quit, at that point it is only fair to just kill me off. I didn't empty my lands except my cap. We are all here to play not just sit and wait, if that was the case I would be playing 12/24hr turns lol
26.05.2014 - 13:19
I smell crybaby. If you don't like it, play something else.
---- ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() TJM !!!
26.05.2014 - 13:28
Well, that's because you have a different definition of sportsmanship than the rest of the players do. IMO good sportsmanship would be a set of informal rules that players abide by because it improves the gaming experience for everyone. I myself (and probably a lot of the playerbase) would list these as sportsmanship issues: backstabbing, gangbanging, allyfagging, attacking someone who disconnected and wallfucking on 1st turn. Everything else is fair game. But, the nature of informal rules is that the game has nothing in place to enforce them and like you said, no one cares about sportsmanship (except in CWs) nor do we have a very strong culture of sportsmanship, so in the end everyone does what they think is best for their own success, not for the community. Regardless, the reason you posted for blacklisting these players have nothing to do with sportsmanship.
26.05.2014 - 14:17
I got a hard-on cuz of u!! omggg
---- "My words are my bullets."-John Lydon ![]() Spart is love
26.05.2014 - 14:50
You coudve just gone afk instead of going through all this trouble of finding a solution thats frankly not productive for both sides, then making a whole thread in the most used sub-forum to single out two people for being so called bad sports...
---- We are not the same - I am a Martian. We are not the same - I am a... divided constellation? ![]()
26.05.2014 - 14:53
Hmm, what I don't get is why you care if they did not respond. Does it matter for you if they chose to take your cities instead? Plus, they may not know english or have game chat on (ticked). Like, why do you care if they didn't take your cap and get more sp, it's their choice. No need to put their names on public. If you truly do not want to play with them, just put them in your enemy list and it's done. Really no need for this. This goes for whatever problem you have with anyone who shows a bad sportsmanship. If they do wallglitch you, wallfuck you first turn, gangbang you, take your 0 cities when allied, there is STILL no need for publicly calling out their names, because people are not punished for this kind of thing, so just put them as enemy-ignore and avoid playing with them. But if someone insults you, spams chats etc. then you should report them because these actions are punished ![]() Anyway, have fun mate ![]() EDIT: Yea, what tact said ^ ![]()
28.06.2014 - 22:27
Wow, so I had no idea this game was filled with people whom frankly are a bunch of children. I wasn't posting this for comment just a place that if I kick someone I don't have to explain myself I list the reason. Frankly I don't care what you believe sportsmanship is or is not defined as because this is was my definition and like or not I frankly could careless although I do have to say that Pulse your not very intelligent when it comes to being a mod because your place is to be unbiased not trample on a player just because you disagree.
29.06.2014 - 00:12 why would somebody revive a dead topic, just when a controversial issue about ban lists its going on.... ffs do people just want to sabotage it?
29.06.2014 - 05:39
Remember how I said I support every single map maker being able to ban? Yeah I take that back, I is sorry mods ![]() Adog Sad Face D: ![]()
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29.06.2014 - 05:49
It's not called Trampling, it's called speaking the truth. Guys can we see why I wanted to ban people from tempted legion? ![]()
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