22.05.2014 - 21:51
Thanks for the clarification. Many of those were taken out of context. Acqui was being sarcastic in most from my knowing of him. But I do not support his behaviour; this should definitely not be present in a mod in my opinion. He let his emotions get to him I think. I've done my part in understanding several of yous' statements, some I agree, but most of which I disagree. I am no longer gonna defend things I can't defend (other mods). I will let them handle what they supposedly started. Thanks to Columna for pointing out the suggestions thus far. And thanks warmachine for the examples.
---- Don't trust the manipulative rabbit.
22.05.2014 - 21:56
False, people have/had a problem with evoL bc it was generally bad at EU+ CWs and lost all the time. I never once saw people tearing down evoL because MOU talks about the unfairness of mods. They have gotten better and are working their way into a good clan. And yes you are accused of bias because its true. You can say and do whatever you want when Acqui is online and nothing will happen. If I was in your position I wouldn't let that happen. there are times when I am well aware I deserve to be muted for 15 minutes for insulting or spamming the true issue isn't my punishment it is the lack of punishment given to anyone in Illyria. I was never muted/warned while in Illyria despite global abusing/spamming but that is because I was in Illyria. I didn't think Acq was biased then I just thought he didn't care but ever since I left Illyria ive noticed even his own mod friends don't respect him because they know he is to biased to be reasoned with and understanding him is like trying to understand a rock teaching Calculus.
22.05.2014 - 22:01
You complaints about our community are noted.while tophats thanked you, i will not.Your intervention was unwelcomed.And please dont talk of words like "community" cause i dont even know who you are.We like our mods this way.We like the mods who still play who usually are 2 or 3, to be able to express themselfs freely and hang around with us, like us, cause in the end its just a game.And they are just humans, humans joke and make mistakes and at times they even might "insult", usually sarcastically.We dont want mod-robots and neither mod-cops.If you and your 5 friends want that, you can join another game, cause i can guarantee you this community doesnt.
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22.05.2014 - 22:04
As tophat has said, there is an average of 600 players a day now on atwar. Whether you know me or not, it does not matter. You are hinting very hard at me not being part of this community. Since I play this game like everyone else, and have payed for premium, I am a member of this atwar community. I am sorry I don't live up to your pro standards, nor should I. You did not have to respond, and go as far as saying im not part of the community. I pleaded my case to a mod who quoted my post. All in all, I have the right to use this public forum if I wish. If you do not like me using it, please block me. Thank you, have a nice day edit: This goes back to my very first post on this topic. The community is to be blamed. Look at the way people treat lower ranks. If these high ranking "pro" players dont know you, you have no reason to be playing the game or posting on "THEIR" forum. can you speak for the entire community? Are you the entire atwar community? No. you are not. So please dont post saying that the atwar community doesnt want something. Although, if you stay long enough, you will get to know me just fine.
22.05.2014 - 22:07
more nonsense clovis, play on any settings, ive played duels with no upgrades against players claiming i couldnt play without my beloved pd. they lost ofc. i play 5k 10k 3k. depends on what i want to play. and i recently won that competitive map tourney on the new custom maps by chess columna and bonker2. but this is not about me and you. and lol youre saying europe is imbalanced because a team can pick ukraine and turkey?? if you make your picks correctly the other team wont get these country combos. the existance of overpowered combinations of countries for teamgames doesnt make a map imbalanced. these will exist on any map. this just tells me youve no idea what youre talking about as ive already stated. if youre a competitive player that cant play outside europe, then youre a bad competitive player. these are not the people im talking about. and as to your last point. yes, this is the difference between our posts. im arguing logic and reason, youre arguing off your own personal views.
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22.05.2014 - 22:12
thats why people dont believe they should be number 1 this season, but its not why people dislike them. and i never said people were tearing mou down because he has a vendetta against certain mods. so why would you quote me and then say this in your post?
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22.05.2014 - 22:21
medals mean most improved clan according to some. I see reasons why not we would get it! ![]()
---- It's not the end. ![]()
22.05.2014 - 22:27
Or you could all argue about something else, like how to fix the current issues in the game? Rather than bashing each other's accomplishments and misdeeds? You see.. When I was reading the first comment in this topic, I assumed that this was about fixing the decay of scenarios and lack of new competitive players, not about people trying to follow their personal agendas that rhyme with vendettas.
22.05.2014 - 22:52
---- ![]() light in the attic
22.05.2014 - 22:56
I agree with you completely, and made the same post on this forum. +1
22.05.2014 - 23:00
EvoL is over-saturated with noobs, MoU can't possible train all of them at the same time. Maybe if the top 10 coalitions recruited 3 noobs each, and train them, and use them to cw the 3 noobs of the other clans....
22.05.2014 - 23:47
Every player in evoL currently has the basic fundamentals of a 3v3 down. Aware of all countries advantages and weakness, aswell as all expansions.
---- It's not the end. ![]()
23.05.2014 - 05:33
why would you do that? to the 2nd point, thats how competitive works. do i have to explain this to you clovis? because you seem to have difficulty understanding how competition works. for a map to be competitive you have to be able to compete on it. there are only a handful of competitive maps and scenarios on atwar and yes competitive is fun, its why most of us play it, ask most the duelers, cw'ers and 3v3'ers why they play what they play, theyll tell you they enjoy it. why is this so difficult for you to understand? it is a game afterall, the rest of your post then was just yet more nonsense.
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Black Shark Ο λογαριασμός διεγράφη |
23.05.2014 - 06:28 Black Shark Ο λογαριασμός διεγράφη Bunkers cost around 600, for 60 def. And when you're America, you can get 20k income. You can easily spam nukes.
23.05.2014 - 09:02
I loled.
---- "In atWar you either die a hero or live long enough to ally fag and gang bang some poor bastards." ~Goblin "In this game, everyone is hated." ~Xenosapien
23.05.2014 - 09:09 ![]() ACQUI :( :( :( :( :( :( :( ![]()
23.05.2014 - 10:03
Hmm.. From what I only rode from this page. Is that some guy called marcus cissurs or whatever. Is bickered about not getting allong in illyria and is making a complain forum about this? And just to hide his revenge, he is blaming it on the cliché ''idk what happend with this game but it is dead and blablabla, people not competetive anymore'' blablabla.. Dude you play like 3 months? -.- Also, srry for saying but the people who just started to play maybe more than a half year and acting like they know AT-warr the best. Don't JUST don't.. stop acting like this problem has been here for ever and its all some1 else his fault. This game started to get fuckedup since that scenario mapmaking update no denying able. Even when that wasn't worse enough, people like ALEX started to invent and publish buggs and glitches which commun people are using now in 1v1's/3v3's whatever. We didn't had those kind of issues 1/1.5 years ago. Also the whole removing FFA option and making it able to change allies in game fucked alot too -.-... Now people are not even able to play a Worldgame with 20 players without secret ally here or secret ally there? If I tell MK players to not secret ally and all choose different continents. Than we got Illyria players secret allying with eachother to kill those MK players? -.- You guys are ruining the game with your greef of winning. Same with CW's dropping your competence to earn 100+ cp's is quite sad. Or using some PD turkey rush turn 3 with 100+ units LOLOL, or those Rewalling shit and other glitches -.- Just play normal without those sneaky shit moves to win and get satisfied.
23.05.2014 - 10:03
I never said you are not part of this community, i did say though, you are a very small part of it.Not only in theory but in practice also, since by definition, community is a social unit that shares values and beliefs.I also implied that you must be a newcomer and i believe i was right.Also i never said or implied anything about in-game performance, i dont judge people by that.So that must be your own fear and your own problem, so please work it out with yourself and dont project it on me.That being said, i have no reason not to like you, block you, or discourage you in any way, if anything, i would like to hear more from you in the future.But the truth is, being a newcomer, you didnt made the best first time impression, coming here, "asking for blood", dramatizing things and posting misleading quotes out of context.You know this qualifies as lying right?And that would make you a what..?A liar..
No i am not the entire community and neither am i their representative.But an importand part of a community is social interaction, and i been around not long, but enough and speak with people every day, to be able to safely say, that your views and marcuses also, are not shared by the vast majority of this community.Your posts, im my understanding, gave the impression, that you have the whole community, backing your opinions and i just wanted to make clear this was not the case.Its was meant as a reality check and not as an insult.I am sorry you took it this way.
I dont know if this was directed at me, but you cant generalize and blame all the "community" for some assholes.To my knowledge except some certain individuals from random clans, only Crimson Tide clan harasess players for their performance in game.Jokes apart though, cause if not, your clan will take 1st place at taunting and mocking. If this was directed at me though, ill have you know that i was training low ranks since i hit rank 8 and i even put rank 4 ( hi chill) and 5 in cw's.Im also always nice to low ranks personally, but you wanna know who isnt?Check hypocrisy on the dictionary and you will find marcus cicero there.We played a ww2 scenario not long ago but yesterday.His ally that was fighting me was slowly loosing ground, but nothing extreme.If you were there to see the abuse this poor guy got from marcus you would see what im talking about.So much trashtalking to him but also on other low ranks.We talked with pm with the guy and i told him it was fine and to just ignore marcus cicero.You can ask the dude, he is in your clan..
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23.05.2014 - 10:27
LOLOL HE IS BACK IN EVOL?!?! XD srry but this thread is made by him crying about the community while he is a BIG PART of it. Clanhopppers are also a big PROBLEM. Nobody likes a clanhoppers and clanhoppers makes alot of drama between clans.
23.05.2014 - 11:08
Can we please implement a 'pointless argument forgotten about next week' section to the forum I think it will be the most used one.
23.05.2014 - 11:25
shouldn't that be '"off topic"?
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23.05.2014 - 12:00
So this thread is about you ranting about the game changing? but all you're doing is crying about illyria and Acq? and you're saying ''Acq is corrupt mod'' do you live in the real world?, are you really applying the word corrupt to a moderator of a online game?
23.05.2014 - 12:51
This is implying that it it not certain individuals, but every person from CT. Have I ever harassed you? I'm not angry, and this isn't really important or relevant, but generalisations like this are how an irritatingly large proportion of insult wars start on AW. I'll say more on this thread once I've finished reeling from it's sheer intensity, but really, consider this: With this thread you have proved W4RMaChiNE's point about the community of AW. It's sad really that we can't be a more accepting and peaceful community and work together for the good of AW.
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23.05.2014 - 13:28
i didnt even know u went to CT.There are some very decent people there that i like, but most of them are exactly how i said they are.And with leaders like innate what do u expect really..you should leave that clan and take invisible with you, you deserve better.
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23.05.2014 - 14:01
Hate for haters.
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23.05.2014 - 14:16
jugers is also cool ok ![]()
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23.05.2014 - 14:23
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23.05.2014 - 14:55
Here is main problem: Everybody does not consider mods players. They consider them machines that are suppose to be 100% efficient and 100% perfect. They are players like you and me. They find the same joy that we do in making jokes and having chats in global and help chats. They are able to resist the urge to do it 99.9% of the time and when they do give into the urge .1% of the time everybody SS it, posts on the forums "OMG LOK WTF. BAN MOD PLZ" Stop being hypocritical faggots. For every time you got a warning or mute you 'think you did not deserve' there are 50+ instances in which you were suppose to get a warning or a mute and you didn't. Why did they not mute or give a warning? Because the community does shit like this and chooses to bitch forever about EVERY single mute. So do not cry about bad mods when this happens to you. Bitching about mods when you deserve a mute or ban only causes doubt in other players in their faith of mods. and remember; THIS IS A FUCKING ONLINE WEB BROWSER GAME. GO OUTSIDE AND PLAY THERE EVERY ONCE IN A WHILE IF YOU GET SO CAUGHT UP IN THIS GAME. WHO THE FUCK CARES IF YOU GOT MUTED FOR 15 MINUTES OR RECEIVED A POINTLESS WARNING? JUST PLAY THE FUCKING GAME AND HAVE FUN. Ok, I'm done. ![]()
23.05.2014 - 15:09
Original poster asked to lock the thread.
---- Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.
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