08.05.2016 - 12:12
The RP maps owned by Adog, Martell, and Fappino are all just identical clones of a map that a buddy of mine made. ![]() "Tempting Roleplay" was made by my buddy Illuminatum. Adog and the rest of the RP fags just cloned the map and took advantage that Illuminatum is not active at the moment to steal all credit and claim the work as their own. ![]() ![]() I just wanted you guys to know, because Illuminatum deserves credit for making all of the nice borders that you see in RP (its only good attribute), and he is not here to defend himself from the thieves that stole his hard work and didn't even add him to the list of credits. Is repugnant to see fappino and martell claim to represent the map making community when in reality they are just capitalizing of stolen work. Edit1 (this edit was done after i replied to Raul) I want to clarify that the map wasn't left open for cloning, illuminatum allowed adog to have a clone on the basis that adog volunteered himself as collaborator to help illuminating with the little that was left to be done. When illuminatum become semi-inactive, adog removed illimunatum from the credits of the clone and claimed the map as his own. then adog allowed fappino and martell to clone it and they both claim it as their own. The map was not and is not open to be cloned by the public. Edit2 (This edit was done after adog and I clarified some things about ownership) Adog is innocent as he does give illuminatum credit for making the RP map. Fappino and Martell are yet to state why they don't give illuminatum any credit and until now they still claim that they made the map on their own (yet it has been proven that they use a clone of Adog's Version)
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08.05.2016 - 12:18
If they enable duplication of their work - it's their fault. If they want to be picky about ownership they should have made it so others couldn't clone it. Stop looking for reasons to shame RP/RP map makers, it a part of the game - deal with it.
---- Be Humble
08.05.2016 - 12:21
;^) sure, its ok to abuse the trust of a map maker and claim his work as your own. You did knew that at first the map had illuminatum's name on it but it was soon dropped after the cult of personality started right?
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08.05.2016 - 12:26
I'm not here to argue about ethics with you. Simply put: If the maker (Illiminatum) made his map clonable - that's his fault, and only his fault. If he had simply made them 'non-cloneable' this wouldn't be an issue. Therefore he understood that others could take his maps and alter them in anyway they deemed fit (which they did). Instead of attacking the map makers that cloned it, talk to Illiminatum and tell him to make sure his work is 'non-cloneable' from now on.
---- Be Humble
08.05.2016 - 12:32
its never the fault of the victim, or in your mind rape is also acceptable because she was asking for it? or is stealing also acceptable because you forgot to lock your door? The issue here is not the cloning itself, but much rather that the credit has been stolen. Have you ever hear the principles behind copyleft? you know like using the product as you like as long as you acknowledge the existence of the "previous" owner?. Doesn't it ring a bell here? But maybe this is not about ethics, and more about your defeatism, i guess that popular people like adog and fappino can't ever be thiefs and illuminatum must be a really dumb individual for trusting other people, right?
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08.05.2016 - 13:01
No one ever asks to be rapped!! ![]() No one cares. He won't benefit at all from the acknowledgement by rp makers. If you really believe fappy or adog are popular, wake up already. And where's the problem if he wanted to trust others? It was his decision, so accept the consequences.
---- Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you. We're all people. ![]()
08.05.2016 - 13:16
What is up with this sick mentality of blaming the victim? why can't we just come up with a solution to fix problems like this? situations like this could easily be fixed by having the name of the original owner imprinted into the description of cloned maps. We could also overturn this http://atwar-game.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=24266 so stealing credit becomes impossible. If we don't fix this problem then map makers will not allow the public to clone their maps due to fear of their maps being stolen. Do you want to hear an example of a map that has been cloned multiple times by different people but its credit has never been stolen?: GGG If we can't expect integrity within the map making community then how can we expect maps to be freely available to all?
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08.05.2016 - 13:49
There is no such thing as a victim here. You know why? There are two main reasons: - Your friend never mentioned to be a victim. - There is a very very fucking clear solution to this: desactivate the possibility of cloning the map by clicking on a simple button! If you don't want other people to mess around with your map, why don't you do that simple step? Pls, answer. If all you want is "credit", then why are you letting others finish the job for you? What will this "credit" do for you anyway? There's the name of the original map, so isn't that enough "credit" for you? ![]()
---- Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you. We're all people. ![]()
08.05.2016 - 14:00
The name of the map is there, but nobody knows who made such map because thanks to this we can't check who made it anymore: http://atwar-game.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=24266 <-- this also made the following video into law again: i agree with you that the victim is not free of fault, but blaming the victim is not going to make things better. What we need to do is to find a way to prevent plagiarism from happening again. Defending thieves will only make other content creators paranoid of having their work stolen by collaborators and other map makers alike.
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08.05.2016 - 14:01
You're seriously comparing map cloning to rape??? Wow. And here I thought I'd seen everything AW forums could offer. You are a sick sick dude. Also, Illuminatum can choose whether or not he wants his maps to be cloned, which he chose to allow. His choice. He's not a victim, and if he's regretting his choices that's his fault. Rape victims have no such choice. They are forced. There is literally no comparison between map cloning and rape. Plus considering Illuminatum was last online 90 days ago, I doubt he even cares. You're probably just trolling since you seem to thrive on conflict. Please go crawl back into whatever craphole you came out of. You have one seriously twisted and fucked up mind.
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08.05.2016 - 14:07
So if some one steals my work and i go inactive for a few months, then is not my work anymore and therefore it wasn't stolen? You are new to atwar and therefore don't know how this works buddy, but let me tell you: high ranks with premium usually come back from inactivity (most recent examples are vafika, Sheba, and Hugo who came for a few moments to say hi)
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08.05.2016 - 14:13
I can't believe i would get to see the day where General Discussion would be more Toxic than Off-topic. At least in off-topic people don't attack you for having principles. Where is clovis when you need him?
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08.05.2016 - 14:14
Well 'buddy' I never said that it's not Illuminatum's work. All I said was he left the option for the map to be cloned. That's his damn choice. Have you even asked his opinion or have you turned out on this righteous crusade for justice half-cocked and blind without getting your facts straight? I'm leaning towards the latter. Also how is high ranks returning from inactivity in any way related to you comparing map cloning/alleged plagiarism to rape
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08.05.2016 - 14:17
Dude everybody already knows this. Illuminatum actually willingly gave his map to Adog so that Adog could do whatever he did.
---- Someone Better Than You
08.05.2016 - 14:19
Actually, he was leaving AW so he allowed me to take over. :3
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08.05.2016 - 14:22
I will admit, I semi-created rp when i was talking with tempted. Then to get rid of it illuminatum and I tried to make a less farm rp. That failed, so i said, well screw it and set up the EC, and they are responsible for everything else.
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08.05.2016 - 14:22
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08.05.2016 - 14:25
No one but Magic is trying to make a non-issue, an issue.
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08.05.2016 - 14:26
You must be a new breed of autism. He willingly gave it to me before he left. You don't know your facts.
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08.05.2016 - 14:27
I'm an RP fag now, am i? coming from the father of UN that is so rich.
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08.05.2016 - 14:29
^^^ 100% true. Furthermore, we were given 100% consent.
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08.05.2016 - 14:29
And i already clarified in the main post that he only allowed 1 person to clone it and then such person stole the map and gave it away to other people who illuminatum didn't authorize and then this same people also claimed the work as their own. Illuminatum may not be here to defend himself, but that doesn't mean that the work wasn't stolen. I gave you multiple examples in which blaming the victim is wrong and rape just so happens to be one of them, is not my fault that your argument is weak and you decided to make your last stand on the issue of rape in order to derail this with your silly fallacies. I also provided with 2 ways to fix the problem, but you don't seem to seek any solution and instead you are here to bad mouth me because i trigger you with my choice of words. Oh brave white knight, save me from my sinful ways, how dare I stand for my principles and at the same time deny you of the moral high ground ;(.
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08.05.2016 - 14:33
OH WAIT. Who was it that cloned the map from martell and let it be openly cloneable to the entire public. Called "FREE RP" OH WAIT IT WAS YOU. YOUR BROTHER TUNDER. AND AETIUS. hue hue hue, you have no principles. Illuminatum gave this map to the ARC. It is ARC property, and we get to decide who gets it.
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08.05.2016 - 14:34
He may have allowed you to take care of it as you were a collaborator, but that doesn't make his work yours. I talked with him briefly when he came back from inactivity and he never mentioned such arrangement. In fact, he gave me one of his maps to take care of it too, that doesn't mean i claim it as my own work.
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08.05.2016 - 14:36
at no time did aetius or tunder claimed ownership of the map. Where is Aetiu's RP or Tunder's RP? oh wait there is none because they don't claim the work as their own.
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08.05.2016 - 14:37
By all means, if illuminatum wants it back ever, I would stop the circulation of the clones. 100% But either way those clones are no longer played.
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08.05.2016 - 14:39
So what is the issue here, the credit or the free distribution against will. So you were blabbing on about the fact that I distributed apparently "without consent". and yet when you did the exact same thing with 100% certainty you had 0 consent of either illuminatum or the ARC, that's perfectly fine is it? Perfectly fine for you (and your assosciates) to distribute his hardwork is it? So that all the tiny rp map makers would make their own map and claim the work themselves. That's fine is it. Bull shit!
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