21.01.2017 - 21:09
Meet the new White House Press Secretary, Paul Spicer, who states that, "No one had numbers" on the crowd size, yet states that, "This was the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration, period". See for yourself, Obama on the left, Trump on the right. It's going to be a rough 4 years.
---- #UniBoycott
21.01.2017 - 21:27
Saying that it was the biggest crowd was stupid but the two pictures are cherrypicked, right one is while obama was being sworn in while the left one is when Trump was long gone from the stage. Here is the comparison while both were being sworn in, not much of a difference.
21.01.2017 - 21:34
If you think I'm cherry-picking, then here is a video of the crowd the entire day. Trump's crowd never got as huge as he stated nor wanted. Speaking of cherry-picking, this still does not refute the fact that this wasn't the largest crowd of inaugurations.
---- #UniBoycott
21.01.2017 - 22:30
Maybe it has something to do with the fact that corrupt D.C voted 90% for Hillary? Maybe it has something to do with the fact that the Rust Belt isn't a train stop away from Washington and working class Americans have jobs on a Friday?
---- The church is near, but the road is icy... the bar is far away, but I will walk carefully...
21.01.2017 - 22:39
How did the democrats lose the house, senate, the presidency and 7 govenorships then? If trump has so few supporters how did he win? The truth is the liberals fucked up so many lives that people where actually willing to vote for donald trump.
---- We are not the same- I am a Martian.
22.01.2017 - 00:22
Where did i say it was the biggest crowd ever? I very clearly said in my first sentance that it was a stupid thing to say by them.
22.01.2017 - 00:33
Trump won. All those Democrat protests and "Million Woman March" and other shitty protests are undermining the democratic process. You wanna protest? Protest against the fucked up election process that brought the candidate choice down to Killary Clinton and Donald Dump.
22.01.2017 - 07:50
Is this the first time Americans protest? Welcome to democracy America, now you are finally free.
---- If a game is around long enough, people will find the most efficient way to play it and start playing it like robots
22.01.2017 - 15:05
It matters only when someone with a microphone, say a Press Secretary, states it. Only then did it get the attention it deserved for misinformation.
---- #UniBoycott
22.01.2017 - 17:26
Because they are grasping at straws trying to illagitimize the 45th united states president.
---- We are not the same- I am a Martian.
23.01.2017 - 01:14
Trump is my precedent! ...lets start building does wells down at the border!
23.01.2017 - 01:39
Don't be a nazi gob. We all know how that turns out.
---- We are not the same- I am a Martian.
23.01.2017 - 03:24
Im starting to suspect my mother might be nazi helly! I joked about getting a chinese girlfriend and this happened, true story... "Dont you dare bringing no chinese girl to my house!!!" "What the fuck mom... are you racist or something?" "Nooo... japanese is fine... italian or best a german girl" "What the fuck mom... you're just naming the powers of axis!!!"
23.01.2017 - 04:10
Didn't you tell her that's a double negative? For a (grammar) Nazi, you suck...
23.01.2017 - 04:25
I agree though. Chinese < Japanese. Chinese people remind me of marshmallows. Aswell there is nothing wrong with bringing stronk roman or germanic genes into your gene pool to compliment those Slavic warrior genes. LISTEN TO YOUR MOTHER GOB, MOTHER IS ALWAYS RIGHT. Ps. If your not looking for commitment and great sex, I recommend a greek girl. They are crazy, but they are great at sex.
---- We are not the same- I am a Martian.
23.01.2017 - 04:48
BTW I'm pretty sure I heard your building walls to keep out albanian/muslims,but that's none my business is it :3
---- We are not the same- I am a Martian.
23.01.2017 - 17:40
You know it is funny, the Democrats were telling trump to accept the results of the election (prior to the election), now trump wins and they cant accept it. Republicans weren't marching in the streets, calling out people to blow up the white house in 2008 when Obama was elected...
23.01.2017 - 17:55
I was told that this election was rigged...
---- #UniBoycott
23.01.2017 - 20:35
Yes rigged in hillarys favour, problem was, they did not inticipate the people of rural america to come out in such force. It was such a suprise, that even though she probably had around 20 million fraudulent votes it still was not enough.
---- We are not the same- I am a Martian.
24.01.2017 - 09:16
Exactly like Helly said, democrats bussed in convicts and illegal aliens to vote for hillary. yeah it was rigged.
24.01.2017 - 13:20
About these rigged elections, i am interested how many dead people vote in american elections these years?
24.01.2017 - 13:49
He won without having the majority of the votes. He may won the heart of uncultured farmers and silly people but not the majority. The US electoral law is the shittiest one. Hillary had almost 3 million of votes more. In any other country with a different law Trump would not win. What kind of subhuman country has this law lmao?
24.01.2017 - 14:14
Fcking liberals if hilllary won nuclear war with russia i dont fucking understand how pepole support that lying bitch her no fly zome whould result in a world war 3 w
24.01.2017 - 14:16
Presidents have become so even after losing popular vote. 3 million in a country of 330 million is less than 1%. It's insignificant when compared with America's electoral process. US electoral law is outdated and set up for a time when the US was a much looser coalition of states than it is now, and travel between states took a hell of a lot of time, meaning setting up polling booths everywhere in the Union, having everyone vote, transporting the ballots back to the Capital, counting them, then sending out messengers to inform everyone of the outcome was hardly feasible in a country that so recently acquired Independence and in a time when the fastest means of land transport was a horse. It definitely needs an overhaul, but it's worked for 200 years. It's not as much to blame as the candidate choices. Whatever happened, Trump was elected. He was sworn in. Protests aren't going to do anything. You can't up and impeach him because he's broken no laws and it sets a dangerous precedent; that you can impeach a President to overturn the outcome of an election. Besides the Republicans control pretty much the whole government. If Trump commits a crime, it has to be so revolting (like molestation, murder, a massive billion dollar scandal etc) that even his most ardent supporters cut their losses and leave him floundering while the public outcry forces the beginning of Impeachment proceedings. But right now, with him having committed no crimes? They mean to protest against Trump but all they're doing is crying wolf. When he actually screws up, he can point Senators and Congressmen to these times as proof, that the media and public overreact where he's concerned and everything will soon die down. Impeachment must always be a bipartisan affair. You can't have the butthurt losing party *cough*Democrats*cough* impeaching the President out of spite. That would create so many problems, chief being a tit-for-tat as the years pass, because the Democrats set a precedent that you can impeach a President on a whim. No wonder the Canadian and New Zealand Immigration sites crashed. All the smart people are getting the fuck out of there (although, New Zealand? Honestly? Like, what the fuck would you even do there?). So no. Imo the media is currently practicing selective journalism with a side-helping of bias, that Million Woman March is led by quacks, has no foot to stand on and the 600 sister protests that took place around the world are just as dumb (honestly what do you hope to achieve by protesting against an American President in the city of London? A Washington Blitz by the RAF?).They'd be better off waiting for him to screw up big time. Probably won't happen unless he actually practices what he preaches and "grabs them by the pussy." Don't even get me started on the morons that said he'd be impeached in two days. Clearly, the average American IQ is in serious danger of becoming a potato.
24.01.2017 - 14:59
That's what you get for voting against Bernie, Democrats brought it upon themselves.
---- Someone Better Than You
24.01.2017 - 16:28
Where did you get your fucked up facts? Oh lord 3 million?!?! She won the populare vote by less then a million and she cheated lol, aswell the United states is not a democracy it is a republic so sit and spin on your own in the corner while crying lol. Wikipedia is outdated and satirical there is a reason why universities won't let students site it as a credible source. Anyone can write a wiki page.
---- We are not the same- I am a Martian.
24.01.2017 - 16:45
Estimated at 5 million each election by whatever corrupt sides turn it is. The issue this time was an outsider ran and beat there system.
---- We are not the same- I am a Martian.
24.01.2017 - 16:51
just asked because its normal in balkans bla, dead people have their opinion!!!!URAAAAAAAA
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