Γραμμένο από AlBoZzZ, 26.07.2014 at 20:07
Γραμμένο από AlBoZzZ, 26.07.2014 at 19:37
._. Dude no one cares about your stupid scenarios or banlist and shit. Stop trynna make this scenario shit look so serious and important
More haters, great. This is why I just ignore posts from 3v3 players. Guess what, IDGAF about your input, because it is irrelevant to the thread.
How can i hate you or your scenarios when im not even interested in them? 3V3 players are better than any scenario player man . Keep thinking that some scenarios are in center of attention it will make you feel better. You talking about this thread like u think the rest of aw cant sleep at night because some stupid thinf u guys got going on there lol
how are they better? better at 3v3 or eu+ yes, but at scenarios no. its saying that an apple is better than a pear at being an apple, no shit. There are many overlap players, like myself. you cant compare these players unless your 3v3 players can compete in scenarios with the best scenarios.
Γραμμένο από Tundy, 26.07.2014 at 20:10
Γραμμένο από AlBoZzZ, 26.07.2014 at 20:07
Γραμμένο από AlBoZzZ, 26.07.2014 at 19:37
._. Dude no one cares about your stupid scenarios or banlist and shit. Stop trynna make this scenario shit look so serious and important
More haters, great. This is why I just ignore posts from 3v3 players. Guess what, IDGAF about your input, because it is irrelevant to the thread.
How can i hate you or your scenarios when im not even interested in them? 3V3 players are better than any scenario player man . Keep thinking that some scenarios are in center of attention it will make you feel better. You talking about this thread like u think the rest of aw cant sleep at night because some stupid thinf u guys got going on there lol
Don't turn this into a scenario vs 3v3 war, because last time i check: u got rape in that 3v3 when me and Marcus played and we are scenario players
support. hate to break it to you but we arent that bad at playing. Scenarios can be rich and encourage strats that arent used in 3v3 but look at what i played as rank 6 and 7, all aetius and pyrrhus maps, they make EU+ look so fucking rich. Scenarios give the ability to create different styles of gameplay dont hate cause you cant compete.
Honestly I would rather play with the default units than yours. The either 1 attack or 1 defense thing with your units is so annoying. It reminds me of playing Great Combinator, the least used strategy. Don't make your units faggy like tempted's just make them more like default units. Seriously no one like GC, no one.
"Power is nothing without Wisdom"-Megatron
Black Shark Ο λογαριασμός διεγράφη |
Black Shark Ο λογαριασμός διεγράφη
Omg I'm relevant  .
Now, I've played RP before to see why people like it so much.
1st, every strat except Imp, LB, IF, Blitz cannot work in RP. Why? All of the units are Others of course.
2nd, do you learn economic management? Well, sometimes you start off poor if you pick badly. You can start off with 40k+.
The units are expensive, but the huge economic boost and starting money doesn't get affected very much. As Germany I had dozens and dozens of these op units with 14/9 for stats in this one game.
3rd, Skill? Erm, not really. In the same game I had those OP units UK suicided on me and lost a big gen stack. Sadly idk how big it was, but this is England so it must have been 60+.
Btw, they always make tanks. Use anti tank infs on them and you will kill em since no one uses them.
4th, Balance? Can't really say that. Lots of countries have different units. And I doubt Tempted bothered to count the reinforcment for balance. You can it for yourself. See if I'm wrong.
Conclusion: RP is bad.
Adog, continue with Adog RP.
I've played Tempted RP before.. I could spam bunkers and literally ruin the game for everyone.. Yes the borders are bad. But there is literally nothing that could be done. I support RP believe it or not, if you like to play it, and it's what gives you joy in atwar, fine so be it! But do I think it needs some type of nerf on the SP? Absolutely.
It's not the end.
I played a scenario once , picked the toughest country to play, had no idea about units, no idea i should make ludacris walls, no idea what to do ...yet somehow at the end of the game i had most sp most units killed even caped a skilled scenario high rank with ridicilous marine squad and got his high number of units out of the game ...so much about us 3v3 players that cant adapt to scenarios :p
Black Shark Ο λογαριασμός διεγράφη |
Black Shark Ο λογαριασμός διεγράφη
Γραμμένο από Goblin, 27.07.2014 at 04:21
I played a scenario once , picked the toughest country to play, had no idea about units, no idea i should make ludacris walls, no idea what to do ...yet somehow at the end of the game i had most sp most units killed even caped a skilled scenario high rank with ridicilous marine squad and got his high number of units out of the game ...so much about us 3v3 players that cant adapt to scenarios :p
Do you remember the game?
World war something ...only thing basicly you need to do is realize what unit is what and your good to go ...to me its not so different from world games . Later stage of world ofc
Here's some of my points:
1.) Adog cares about plays for his scenarios. He only bothered to try to help replace RP because RP was taking away from the plays for his maps.
2.) You say you hate the ignorance of high rank players, yet you referenced earlier on that there are lots of high ranks who emerge from RP as noobs. So how can high ranks who achieved their high ranks with RP be ignorant to a topic about RP? I think you want to say 'ignorant competitive players' instead of ignorant high ranks, but you probably are afraid of the rebuttal if you said that. So you used ignorant high ranks instead.
3.) There will always be noobs who wish to RA spam. Doesn't matter what maps are out there. At first 50k world was the problem. Then it was UN. Now it's RP. You take away RP they go back to UN. You take away UN they go back to 50k world. Only difference is they don't gain as much SP.
4.) You forget that the individuals of every player in atwar are what contributes to the overall status of the community. You cannot be a puppet master controlling the strings. Trying to force certain players to play what you think is best for atwar. If the community thought CWs were bad for the community and removed it, i'd play 3v3. If the community said 3v3 was bad for the community and removed it, I wouldn't play atwar anymore. The same will happen for those everybody thinks RP and UN are bad for the community. Atwar would become less active and devs won't have any reason to continue updating the game if we tried to force people to play games they didn't like.
1) No no, it killed my LoN ._. <3 LoN. Also tempted's is a shit map anyway.
2) I mean high ranks, the high ranks who can't play who emerge from tempted, imo are pseudo-high ranks. So I'm ignoring about them, and I'm talking about people like you
3) Those are the ones who stay in Tempted RP. They are beyond help. I do not wish to mingle with them, and I'm not "taking away" any maps.
4) "You cannot be a puppet master controlling the strings." Turns out you can. Around 70% of RP players who play adog rp find that RA is no longer a viable strategy. They end up using a variety of strategies, I am not forcing them to change their way of playing, rather I am giving them an opportunity to explore - while having fun playing RP  So it's an enjoyable learning experience. I'm not forcing anyone into games they don't like, because Adog RP fans will play Adog RP. Slowly some tempted players convert on their own choice. I'm not forcing anyone.
Γραμμένο από Neptune_, 26.07.2014 at 23:25
Honestly I would rather play with the default units than yours. The either 1 attack or 1 defense thing with your units is so annoying. It reminds me of playing Great Combinator, the least used strategy. Don't make your units faggy like tempted's just make them more like default units. Seriously no one like GC, no one.
Unit stat deflation was required, to deal with the units I will inflate. The only other option was to make Unit: Other, for the inflated units, and the entire idea was to teach strategy, so that wouldn't be viable.
If I wanted power I would have done it already. If I wanted popularity I would have done it already. If I wanted to abuse ban-list I would have done it already. The Question then is why not?
You have done it.
If I wanted power I would have done it already. If I wanted popularity I would have done it already. If I wanted to abuse ban-list I would have done it already. The Question then is why not?
You have done it.
You little autistic child, go back to your orphanage. I'm not dealing with your autism any-more. Go cry more.
Tells me to cry more
Is the one being butthurt and throwing insults.
Stop insulting and derailing the topic or I'm locking this.
Tells me to cry more
Is the one being butthurt and throwing insults.
Sorry I don't respond with an actual explaination of why, once again, you are wrong. Because trying to explain logic to a person like yourself gets me no where.
Γραμμένο από Meester, 27.07.2014 at 05:57
Stop insulting and derailing the topic or I'm locking this.
Sorry, we'll get back on topic then.
Simple solution.kill tempted, ban him and his noob map and pet adogs puppy.gg
how are they better? better at 3v3 or eu+ yes, but at scenarios no. its saying that an apple is better than a pear at being an apple, no shit. There are many overlap players, like myself. you cant compare these players unless your 3v3 players can compete in scenarios with the best scenarios.
this isnt true, 3v3s and the like are where the best players in this community play, its where the competition exists to practice against. if you dont play them youll never reach a high level of skill in aw. once youve reached the stage in aw where youre not learning off expansions, where youve mastered all the strats, their strengths weaknesses and how/where to play them. you can hop into any game on any map and dominate.
i play quite a few scenarios, usually when i want to play something chill out for fun, zombie apocalypse, LOTR. GOT being my main ones. ive never been dominated off these maps by anyone. even WW2, my first time playing it i went italy, i was told what italys purpose was then proceeded to crush the unknown high ranks opposite me in the middle east.
how are they better? better at 3v3 or eu+ yes, but at scenarios no. its saying that an apple is better than a pear at being an apple, no shit. There are many overlap players, like myself. you cant compare these players unless your 3v3 players can compete in scenarios with the best scenarios.
even WW2, my first time playing it i went italy, i was told what italys purpose was then proceeded to crush the unknown high ranks opposite me in the middle east.
thats because italy is medium pick for ranks 7-8
i would love to see u play as germany,mainstein, or russia.
Γραμμένο από Tundy, 27.07.2014 at 08:12
how are they better? better at 3v3 or eu+ yes, but at scenarios no. its saying that an apple is better than a pear at being an apple, no shit. There are many overlap players, like myself. you cant compare these players unless your 3v3 players can compete in scenarios with the best scenarios.
even WW2, my first time playing it i went italy, i was told what italys purpose was then proceeded to crush the unknown high ranks opposite me in the middle east.
thats because italy is medium pick for ranks 7-8
i would love to see u play as germany,mainstein, or russia.
Fuck that tunder. I'd like to see him play Japan
I doesn't really matter what you do as you are going upset either a large group of noobs you don't care about, or a little elite you do care about.
Someone is going to cry, but if I were in your shoes and to choose to add the units or not, I would choose not to.
Original Post
While ADOG and I aren't the best of friends (nor are we friends), I understand where the guy is coming from. I think some of you guys need to give him a break and that's just from reading some of the above posts. However I don't think it was wise to create a whole topic about it on ADOG's part, that's borderline Attention-Seeking in my opinion.
I'm sorry Adog, but I didn't read the entire thread. I did read your OP though.
Reading the options you proposed, I'd like to add another, more interesting one: make your map harder. Decrease incomes, do not allow any above 400. Decrease reinforcements, use 5 reinf instead of 8. Make sure income improvements (oil rigs, mines, etc) are hard to take and hard to defend (i.e. no other reinforcement in a wide area like Hawaii or Mongolia). Remove OP units. Decrease city density, make them count and be important. If it's just one more city, the player won't really care if it's taken or not and will go on in the offensive.
The lack of obscene amounts of units forces the decision of where to use them. This is why 3v3 games and CWs are interesting - you often don't have access to 150 units to attack your opponent at any given time.
The skill in AtWar derives from being able to successfully predict your enemies' moves, to deny them reinforcements, deny them income, and with a buttload of units or income this becomes an empty effort.
Do it, Adog. Make it harder. Make those 3v3 guys say they won't play it because it's too hard.
Γραμμένο από Mahdi, 23.11.2013 at 20:30
I don't consider the phrase "massive fag" to be an insult. Mods did. 
Do it, Adog. Make it harder.
You tell him, sonny jim boy!
Black Shark Ο λογαριασμός διεγράφη |
Black Shark Ο λογαριασμός διεγράφη
I'm sorry Adog, but I didn't read the entire thread. I did read your OP though.
Reading the options you proposed, I'd like to add another, more interesting one: make your map harder. Decrease incomes, do not allow any above 400. Decrease reinforcements, use 5 reinf instead of 8. Make sure income improvements (oil rigs, mines, etc) are hard to take and hard to defend (i.e. no other reinforcement in a wide area like Hawaii or Mongolia). Remove OP units. Decrease city density, make them count and be important. If it's just one more city, the player won't really care if it's taken or not and will go on in the offensive.
The lack of obscene amounts of units forces the decision of where to use them. This is why 3v3 games and CWs are interesting - you often don't have access to 150 units to attack your opponent at any given time.
The skill in AtWar derives from being able to successfully predict your enemies' moves, to deny them reinforcements, deny them income, and with a buttload of units or income this becomes an empty effort.
Do it, Adog. Make it harder. Make those 3v3 guys say they won't play it because it's too hard.
There are no OP units, but I agree.
SuperiorCacaocow Ο λογαριασμός διεγράφη |
SuperiorCacaocow Ο λογαριασμός διεγράφη
No one cares, stop crying for attention.
how are they better? better at 3v3 or eu+ yes, but at scenarios no. its saying that an apple is better than a pear at being an apple, no shit. There are many overlap players, like myself. you cant compare these players unless your 3v3 players can compete in scenarios with the best scenarios.
this isnt true, 3v3s and the like are where the best players in this community play, its where the competition exists to practice against. if you dont play them youll never reach a high level of skill in aw. once youve reached the stage in aw where youre not learning off expansions, where youve mastered all the strats, their strengths weaknesses and how/where to play them. you can hop into any game on any map and dominate.
i play quite a few scenarios, usually when i want to play something chill out for fun, zombie apocalypse, LOTR. GOT being my main ones. ive never been dominated off these maps by anyone. even WW2, my first time playing it i went italy, i was told what italys purpose was then proceeded to crush the unknown high ranks opposite me in the middle east.
im sorry but this is just complete bullshit, i love 3v3 but saying you learn skill in 3v3 only is bullshit, 3v3 is balanced, talk to me when you win an unbalanced map, like winning ww2 asia as siam against india and china with japan's lands.
Γραμμένο από Tundy, 27.07.2014 at 08:12
how are they better? better at 3v3 or eu+ yes, but at scenarios no. its saying that an apple is better than a pear at being an apple, no shit. There are many overlap players, like myself. you cant compare these players unless your 3v3 players can compete in scenarios with the best scenarios.
even WW2, my first time playing it i went italy, i was told what italys purpose was then proceeded to crush the unknown high ranks opposite me in the middle east.
thats because italy is medium pick for ranks 7-8
i would love to see u play as germany,mainstein, or russia.
yes play manstein with a rank 5 romania against russia, play against tunder, critical, tiktok, myself etc. we would wipe the floor with you
I'm sorry Adog, but I didn't read the entire thread. I did read your OP though.
Reading the options you proposed, I'd like to add another, more interesting one: make your map harder. Decrease incomes, do not allow any above 400. Decrease reinforcements, use 5 reinf instead of 8. Make sure income improvements (oil rigs, mines, etc) are hard to take and hard to defend (i.e. no other reinforcement in a wide area like Hawaii or Mongolia). Remove OP units. Decrease city density, make them count and be important. If it's just one more city, the player won't really care if it's taken or not and will go on in the offensive.
The lack of obscene amounts of units forces the decision of where to use them. This is why 3v3 games and CWs are interesting - you often don't have access to 150 units to attack your opponent at any given time.
The skill in AtWar derives from being able to successfully predict your enemies' moves, to deny them reinforcements, deny them income, and with a buttload of units or income this becomes an empty effort.
Do it, Adog. Make it harder. Make those 3v3 guys say they won't play it because it's too hard.
i agree, i dont care for RP because it makes everything OP and that isnt balance its just annoying
im sorry but this is just complete bullshit, i love 3v3 but saying you learn skill in 3v3 only is bullshit, 3v3 is balanced, talk to me when you win an unbalanced map, like winning ww2 asia as siam against india and china with japan's lands.
i never said you learn skill only in 3v3, i said its where the best competition and skill in aw is to be found. and 3v3s dont encompass the competitive community, but europe+ is the primary setting.
yes play manstein with a rank 5 romania against russia, play against tunder, critical, tiktok, myself etc. we would wipe the floor with you
you have a lot to learn marcus.