1)Stealth Humvee for carrying Marines over land. Capacity: more than submarine, less than naval transport. Maybe 3-6.
2)Fixed Defensive Positions: Fortresses, Bunkers etc with 0 Range, high defense, low to medium attack and bonus against ground units.
3)Taking inspiration from RP and since you have spacecraft in your map; satellites for scouting.
4)Wall-breakers/Wall-fuckers. Cheap. High to medium range. No more than 1 or 2 attack. No more than 1 defense. Low HP. Used for what their name says. Can't make walls only break them.
I planned on using (1), (4), and maybe (2) in my own maps, but yeah. Until HTML5 Map Editor comes out, I'm stuck.
P.S: I beg you, call your Megatank a Baneblade.