15.06.2016 - 06:16
Casual games room is great- You can end up in some epic battles with some great opponents- Sometimes with armies over 6000 units past turn 100 etc- Stealth Atttacks/Recon, Reinforcing, Supply, Defending, Preparing, Feining, Attacking etc with the sun never setting on your colonies- It can easily take over 1 hour to do all this while countering the enemies moves, its epic, custom maps can be even more involving- At times a server crash can occur, its bloody annoying- id love to be able to get part of my casual game moves done then save, and continue with it later- A " Save but do not End Turn " option in Casual Room pls- There are other benefits- It will make Casual Room more Casual, i can start turn in morning before work and finish when i get home- itll allow for more casaual time management by not having to put aside a chunk of time but being able to chip away at it- Having 3-5 games on the go at once in various stages can become hard to manage, some games fizzle out fast and some become Big- Ive done my bit its over to you guys now- oh if a " Save " button is created ill do 50 pushups- but only 1 a day. see you on the Battlefield
16.06.2016 - 07:13
It would also be great for the Host in casual. Create new game, make your moves, save without ending the turn, other players can join. You don´t need to worry about missing your turn because you have to wait with your turn to the last moment, so that others can join.
16.06.2016 - 08:02
Great idea. Some stuff on the matter in the forum:
If I read properly, I believe that option was not included in the list of Suggestions To Be Possibly Implemented to AtWar ![]() However, the following problem (orders being messed up when logging back into a game) will need to be solved in order to make this option viable: http://atwar-game.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=25862.
17.06.2016 - 02:48
I went to the links thanx Noir Brilliant, great help, thanx m8, also for all your other contributions too- I'm glad I have raised the topic again- I understand it is not easy to implement- But if you are a genuine Casual player, it is a genuine problem- and something that would be appreciated in this always getting better game- from an always getting better player- Rock and Roll man, rock an roll.
22.06.2016 - 22:50
In face of permanent disconnections it would be really a great improvement to have the "save movements" option in casual games (without ending turn, ofc.).
---- ![]()
23.06.2016 - 16:24
Yessss, that would be great.
10.09.2016 - 13:00
BUMP Nice suggestion Apeman. I am getting into casual games now and i find that this is a problem. and yes, see you on the Battlefield...whenver
10.09.2016 - 13:36
Yes,Yes,Yes,yes please. Just trying to keep the momentum going. Truly is a great Idea Apeman and yes Noir it has been brought to the table before, but IMO needs to be pushed up on the list of things to be implemented. And soon Zenith, soon, you will see him on the battlefield, under the tracks of our war machine once more.
---- "The edge is never very far away, when you're hanging on by your fingernails." ©
11.09.2016 - 01:35
Absolutely! Being a casual junky, this would be great! It does get very involved once you've got a continent and are going after one or two others. An hour is not uncommon once your involvement gets that far, and to lose some, or most, of that effort is maddening because you have to start all over again once the connection is reestablished. ![]() ![]() Regardless of whether it's on your end or atWar's, a connection drop is inevitable at some point, and it's a quick path toward a short temper. ![]()
---- Embrace the void ![]()
30.11.2016 - 12:26
Really big problem with my current internet provider. Would help if we could see how many players are being waited for before end turn. That way, in a lot of cases, if I know there's still someone else who hasn't gone, I can end turn and keep going and saving.
05.01.2019 - 15:17
Bump, since we have Dave with us now. A "Save but do not end turn" button would be really useful. I just lost twice 45 minutes of moving units around. It is stated above that it could be useful when there are server issues, but ... in my case, my browser was twice responsible. So it doesn't matter if the cause is the server, the browser, your personal life; being allowed to save but not ending the turn would be very useful.
05.01.2019 - 19:09
I agree, would be very useful. I'll put it on my ever growing list of things to look in to.
06.01.2019 - 09:57
This idea would be v useful in main room when you want to save progress without ending turn before your internet cuts out. Alternatively your moves are saved as you go but you have the option to do undo more than one movement because it gets v annoying if you move two units out a city you cant go back on either.
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