19.04.2017 - 20:51
In a humongous casual war vs. a veteran rank11 with all upgrades we both are GW so his extra view range hurts me http://atwar-game.com/games/?link=2374966211 1. what is the extra view range from lift the fog? a full ring?like the difference between air/land view?or a smaller amount like a half ring? 2. if I turn block a city-does it block ALL the troops in there? or just 1 stack if mixxed units in there? 3. his General adds +1 defense and +1 movement to the stack? or more with all upgrades 4> there is no way to replay battle screens? twice i been disconnected at start of turn b4 being able to view battles ![]() couldnt see what he attacked with and defended with and from where
Freeman Ο λογαριασμός διεγράφη |
20.04.2017 - 04:43 Freeman Ο λογαριασμός διεγράφη
1. There is Lift the Fog 1 and 2, so he got +2 range view. Maybe Sentry Planes can be useful in this situation. 2. It differs, e.g. You tb a port succesfully from which he wanted to move units + General. Entire stack is tbed, but only naval transports with Gen go and he suicide his Gen. 3. Gen. adds +1 def to Inf +1 def to Mil, + 1 att to Inf, +2 view range to units in stack, it reduces the maintenance for troops in stack every turn with 4, +1 att to Tanks, +2 Critical Chance to all units in stack, +1 att to all Air Main Attack units, +1 movement range to all units in stack. 4. I am afraid they cant be replayed...
20.04.2017 - 10:45
1. yea ok didnt know there was a liftfog2 - but i more need to know on screen what is the range,+2 adds a full "ring" or what-tough question i know but him spotting me b4 i spot him is a huge disadvantage-combined with he has all upgrades ![]() my concern is him spotting me from what distance-i already have shit tons of sentries to spot him 2. ok not a major concern- this was more about the American 3. ok-helpful info-but us both being GW-no inf or tanks being used-does it also add +1 attack to his militia? and the +2 view added by general also stacks with the +2 view from his lift the fog? 4. ok yea that sucks donkey balls,and the constant disconnections is why i'm in my last 2 games
05.05.2017 - 00:34
Hmm is lift the fog even giving extra "detection" view range? the blue toggle button on mini-map or just "regular" view range? the white toggle button on mini-map
25.05.2017 - 02:32
Just extra regular view.
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