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08.08.2020 - 11:35
Upon agreement from (now former) Order of The Emperor members, we have decided to release all of the guides, expansions & other helpful threads that we used inside the clan. Almost all of these are made by Garde (which he made while in the coalition Sons of Mars) who also gives credit to both players and clans in these guides as he does use some of their work.

Do be mindful that these guides may still be updated over time and have sections put on them ahead of time- Also be mindful of other peoples' views.

This Guide is made by Tirpitz.

[This guide assumes the reader has all important upgrades for competitive play, more additions for lowranks needed]

In 3v3's UK often is the first country to be picked. For good reasons. It is the only pick that generally is stronger and more versatile than it's opposing pick.
Whereas Germany can be pressured by 4 different picks, UK can keep most harm away for several turns by defending properly. Without further ado, let's go for it.

1: We shall fight on the seas and oceans, We shall fight on the beaches

Uk is very easily defendable place. A proper wall around London makes it incredibly difficult for Germany to attack the UK's cities turn 1:

Turn 2, one of your first priorities should be to make one, or, better yet, two of the following walls:
A wall around Hamburg
A bigger wall somewhere in the north sea, given is a very big example of one, smaller ones will suffice
A wall between Denmark and Northern Germany

Other walls that can work are ones on the edge of the Themse and between Berlin and Hamburg, although such walls would be far more situational. Although getting up one of these walls is not essential to your game as UK, having up one of them makes your life far easier than it otherwise would be.

Secondly, for the defence of Britain, it is vital to take all ports you can possibly take. The fewer ports your opponents have, the safer your island, your cap and your east's funds get.

Germany can reach and possible chain to Britain from 4 different ports as Perfect defence.

Amsterdam and Hamburg are the primary ones. From here, mass attacks on UK are easily possible and rushes usually happen from here. IF Germany can only reach UK from the Netherlands, so Amsterdam is of even more importance for you if your enemy is IF. Taking and defending these cities is incredibly important and useful for you as UK. The two Northern European ports you have to worry about are Aarhus and Bergen. As PD, even without your gen, you can reach the UK from those cities. Obviously the threat is far more limited nonetheless, one should still try to take these cities sooner or later, and avoid letting Germany threaten one from there. Depending on wether Spain or France is on your side, Nantes, Bordeaux and Bilbao may or may not be very important to you aswell. In case your enemy is Spain, Bilbao can be as important as Hamburg if your ally is doing a bad job of containing them. Bilbao is vital to spain's offensive capacities, because it is it's only way to go north via sea. Take Bilbao and you have crippled Spain. Nantes can be quite important for you, as France can attack the UK from it, although most Frances seem not to do so. If France is your enemy, taking Nantes still is very important for you however. Bordeaux is a little further off, but can still threaten the UK and should be taken if possible. UK's own cities, especially Bristol and Plymouth, but also Tyneside are quite important to reach Spain, southern France, and Norway. Keeping them, especially when Spain is your enemy should be one of your priorities too.

If your opponent threatens to take your cities and/or London, you obviously still have to defend them. Don't allow Germany to take too many of your cities as that will cripple your reinforcements, and allowing them to take even one of your cities significantly reduces your income, due to losing the full country bonus for UK.

2: We shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills

What places do you attack as UK? One further advantage of UK is how much you can attack almost anywhere in western Europe. You can take Madrid easily, all of France is threatened, Berlin, Benelux, and with the right strategies, all of Scandinavia, Czech Republic, Austria and even Poland. In your later turns, the world truely is your oyster. What to attack is very situational and heavily depends on your goals. If your primary goal is to kill Germany as quickly as possible, anything becomes a viable target. Reinforcements are most important in that case, the Benelux, especially Belgium becomes quite unimportant, whereas the Czech republic, Austria and Germanys cities gain in importance.
If you want to slowroll and fund your East Heavily, this map of high income countries becomes much more important:

The UK, when fully held has 720 base income, the Netherlands 271, Belgium 233, Ireland 161, Luxemburg 60, Norway 326, Sweden 390, Denmark 170, Switzerland 216.
Keep these values in mind when picking what to attack and how to allocate your resources. In order to reduce Germany's income and thus their Easts funding, taking one of Germany's cities can be very advantageous, as it's full country bonus is 130.

Some very basic things many UK players do, are walling Germanies cities, taking Germanies undefended cities, latemoving Austria, Denmark, Norway or Czech and just generally harassing them.

On your enemies' third pick, one can extert a lot of pressure by just sending a NT with a few Inf down there. Sometimes, you can kill the third pick on a whim aswell, by just sending 20 infantry to the south. Always be prepared for these opportunities, keep a transport or reinforcement in Plymouth and listen to your ally when he tells you to rush these places. Nontheless, always stay safe. It is more important, that you do not die, than it is that you kill your enemies. Your east needs funds, and if you die, your team is in a lot of trouble.

3: We shall go on to the end

Some basic Expansions and rushes any competitive UK should be able to do.

You can zoombug into Ireland from Scotland if you play on Firefox:

How to full PD rush Paris:

(This rush uses 10 militia from Bristol, Plymouth, Belfast and London, rest inf)

Alternative IF Paris rush:

(This rush uses 5 militia from London and one from Bristol, you really have to minmax range for it. You can also use 36 infantry and 7 militia if you make your trans in London, which makes the rush far easier)

Non-minmaxed PD rushes into Scandinavia:

Full NL rush:

(41 inf and 8 mil, Ignore that failed London wall, I just accidentially moved into London, same rush can be used for belgium aswell obviously)

[More Expansions will be added later]

4: We shall never surrender

Different strategies:

Probably the most well rounded UK one can play. Funds well, packs a punch and gives you options. Everything previously discussed applies to PD UK. Besides that, PD can use some militia to expand more cheaply and defend places for less money.

An incredibly versatile strategy, that can win games just by having high range Naval Transports. You can rush Sweden, or the Czech republic if you feel like it, and generally just outpace Germany, spam walls in the north Sea and try out ridicouless chaining from Hamburg to Spain.

Very powerful and underrated strategy that can outslowroll anything if played well. Has limited range and can't reach scandinavia turn 1 though, so beware and always keep a big stack near London.

Rarely used these days, but can win games simply by funding East a lot. Don't attack with it too much, turtle up and use some tanks if needed.

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