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29.03.2011 - 02:57
Well incase people do not know there is a forum in the mods section about game balance and feedback. I started a early thread about Generals there because someone was worried that it would could now mean people would use generals to make unstoppable doom stacks of doom and win.

Anyway most disagreed with me so do not worry this is not a nerf thread. But I have been having a look at how people are useing their general in games and it seems to me people are instead mostly just useing the general to defend their capital which I'm sure is a good idea.

Anyway there does not seem to be a thread on the topic here yet so can we has a General discussion thread in General discussion about Generals?
What do you think, how do you use them, how do you plan to use them, do you think they are fair and so on. Just because I'm intrested.
Do you have a feeling?

Below are some quotes I edited from the balance thread in mod section.


The maybe the issue with generals is ranks and SP, as it's a clear advantage for a higher ranking player with no downside, no choice really has to be made just a straight buff.

Return of the death stack of doom? (general + more and more units untill it becomes unstoppable?)


Instead of death stacks of doom I had expected at the start. Players just do take the risk of their general dieing at all (and take advantage of the cheap + 1 defence unlock) And leave the general in their capital city... Maybe also stacking a large amount of units in there with him....

How dull and boreing. So far its turned out to be a stealth boost for capital defence by mistake?
Don't know what to make of it, might still be to early really to discuss... I guess the fact that the general is representing the player, players just will not risk it (them) dieing... This could be the start of a deep psychological study!
29.03.2011 - 05:11
Hmm good point. i personally never leave general in capital, i put him to lead my strongest army. but not the only army of doom as you say, because it would have low mobility so while you are fighting enemy he sends a few marines to take over your countries.
that's why i usually lose him every game but that is what he is made for, to die bravely on the battlefield
and i support getting for example 50 SP for every general killed.
Never go to war with a country whose national holiday celebrates a defeat in 1389.
29.03.2011 - 05:21
I use My general in alot of ways
1st in the early game i like to use him to keep my cash high and defend my capital
Mid game i use his special attack ability stacking him with units he boosts after my capital is safe then use him to attack as a clean up unit behind my blitzing front line(Yes i dont stack units because it alows your oponent to attack all your gold at one time)
In the late game i like to have him finish off the player after weekinging there capital.

Now as far as the stack of doom goes they also give +1 to attacking units so it works both ways. as far as defence and offence.

I find my stratagy has changed to a less land grab stratagy and more to a broder look around for week points that only require a few units to kill or in transports alowing for greater looses and my general also alows me to be more flexable in this strategy im useing.
Where's the BEEF!
29.03.2011 - 05:32
 Ivan (Διαχειριστής)
Γραμμένο από VozdKaradjordje, 29.03.2011 at 05:11

and i support getting for example 50 SP for every general killed.

You get 12 at the moment. 50 is a bit too much.
29.03.2011 - 08:36
Since he fits with my strategy really well for defending I just keep him in my capital leading my brave militia army against everything that might comes. I almost never send him out for a scout, just early game when I don't have any enemy next to me or when I really need some boost in a frontier.
"Whenever death may surprise us, let it be welcome if our battle cry has reached even one receptive ear and another hand reaches out to take up our arms".
29.03.2011 - 10:14
Personally the use of my general depends of my strategy.

but ive seen than the majority of poeples leave their general in their capital city so that's kinda boring :/
29.03.2011 - 10:22
Γραμμένο από Apocalypto, 29.03.2011 at 10:14

Personally the use of my general depends of my strategy.

but ive seen than the majority of poeples leave their general in their capital city so that's kinda boring :/

Well, if I play MoS, sending my general with the stealth units would be quite stupid wouldn't it?
On the cool side of Thievery.
29.03.2011 - 11:46
Yeah but not everybody plays as a MoS right?
29.03.2011 - 11:47
My biggest issue with the general is that he is slow, moves like a ground troop (aka, can't pass over blocks/ go over the sea) so he is kinda unusuable.

I suggest that he becomes a "ghost" unit. He shouldn't affect the unit speed in any way. If he is alone, he should have the speed of a helicopter. After that, he should have the exact remaining movement of the stack he is in.
Beheading infidels is a patriotic duty
29.03.2011 - 16:35
I use mine defensively for now, on account of having bought only the defensive general upgrades.

I agree that he can be cumbersome, but now that I've bought his speed upgrade, might start using him more. The fact that he isn't stealth when with stealth units is annoying, yes.
Hello, I listen to Shakira and Rihanna and I support the multiculturalisation of Europe : )
29.03.2011 - 17:49
Okay, +1 def, +1 atk, -40 weekly upkeep, +1 arb from a general all onto infantry? who wouldn't want to protect that?
02.04.2011 - 10:54
I use him to take over capitals more easily and try to avoid him to die.

It's a great advantage and it does make your stack increasingly stronger.

I love my general.
03.04.2011 - 20:28
For me it really depends on the kind of map and which country I am. If I'm Turkey, I usually leave him to defend because Ankara isn't within strike distance from other countries like my other cities. If I'm playing Germany, I send him with my large army that's invading central Europe or France. If I'm playing an Africa game, I stick him with my massive militia stack to reduce their upkeep.
Overall, I'm not terribly concerned about an unstoppable big stack of death because such strategies sacrifice mobility and can easily be overwhelmed with good transport use, or by launching raids at the giant stack with a few units to slow its movement.
16.08.2019 - 14:58
Look at them poor afterwind nibbas. Im wondering what they would say if they saw how gens are used now
Orcs are a horde, much like Turks. Elves and Men are light skinned, Orcs are often darker/sallow skinned, like Turks.

Istanbul?Thats not how you pronounce Constantinople

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