13.01.2018 - 15:46
In the past few months, more and more people have been complaining about Hateful Eight members rigging games. I have also been told by several parties that The Hateful Eight wants my map to fail, and they generally gangbang and fail to play by the rules. This of course is not true of all members of this clan, but today a player rogued me, stated he hated my clan, and said "glory to the hateful eight". Some may claim that I want this clan to fall apart, this is not the case. Others may claim I am a puppet of the Imperial Union, that is sort of true. What I want is for dialogue to open, to figure out what the H8's interests are, and to ensure my map can be played without coalitions rigging games. The large majority of the people I banned as of late will probably be unbanned, and things will hopefully return to something that is somewhat normal. I have not ignored any of the people I banned, so I can assure I will be getting spammed. Thank you for reading this, and sorry for the lack of fluidity in this message. Edit: I have now un-banned the people that I banned simply for being in the Hateful Eight.
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13.01.2018 - 15:52
Well lets start whit the Beginning, i dont play your map i use it to test my Walling there is a difference that there is a Measure of RP involved while i am walling is second, now this reason for my Ban, i can respect it cause you own the map, however only if i actually did something not cause some Dude "General Hux" https://prnt.sc/i01evj did something to which i am not involved Hell i was in Silverlight when this shit was happening How am i Related to this? Sounds like #Metoo creeped into Atwar in the form of He Praises H8 and SO HE MUST BE H8 : Edit Guilt by Proxy
---- What is Better, To be Born Good, Or to overcome One's Evil Nature Through Great Effort - Paarthurnax
13.01.2018 - 15:53
+1. This is needed as it's been happening ever since H8 was created. So let's figure out the situation and fix it. Let's make the RP community a better place. Not only for it's self, but for Atwar as a whole. A lot of people have complained it's why Atwar is so.. "shit". H8 has been part of that problem, as well as ourselves. So let's correct it.
13.01.2018 - 15:54
Dont see you having a Ban for a Bogus Reason
---- What is Better, To be Born Good, Or to overcome One's Evil Nature Through Great Effort - Paarthurnax
13.01.2018 - 15:58
What would you like the map editor to ban himself or the person who helps him regulate the goddamn map because of clans like H8?
13.01.2018 - 15:59
ah so the Ban did come fromyou
---- What is Better, To be Born Good, Or to overcome One's Evil Nature Through Great Effort - Paarthurnax
13.01.2018 - 15:59
K op
13.01.2018 - 16:01
After Elijah just stated he banned you? LOL
13.01.2018 - 16:04
Sooooo lemme get this straight, the whole coalition banned because you got trolled by a dude that's not even in our coalition and he said praise h8, lol. Sounds like a bunch of pussies who just hate h8, because all you had to do was ban that guy xD.
---- The Ultimate Opportunist
13.01.2018 - 16:05
If you've been reading AW politics, you'd know that it's more than that.
13.01.2018 - 16:07
only people like you are interested in that
---- What is Better, To be Born Good, Or to overcome One's Evil Nature Through Great Effort - Paarthurnax
13.01.2018 - 16:10
Please leave me out of these petty atwar politics, im done with you guys being utter morons, threatening to leak my families house address? threatening to leak my university info? sad little people, Elijah you are talking garbage also, i doubt you were even the one to write this... i smell A.. dog
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13.01.2018 - 16:10
I tried to play without my clan mate 3months ago I killed some H8 member sometimes.It was funny but one day I heard "KILL H8" 4v2 agaisnt Aelius and Zeyad (Brain,TheWeeknd) USA Turkey Iran and Italy agaisnt France and Spain its fair no I joined i was russia killed Iran and turkey italy cried "GANGBANG 3v1 3v1 " 1st game where i heard "KILL H8" During 1 month everyone tried to kill H8 member but we have the best Rp player they always fail except sometimes. 1 day someone said "H8 always gangbang" since that day everybody who hate H8 or almost say "H8 always gangbang" We dont try to fail your map but we try to keep our friend alive in your map. I know sometimes i troll or make game unfair but sometimes not always. You search a reason to destroy H8 because IU ( Imperial Union) Want destroy H8 and everybody know that. Now Stfu Unban us so we can rape some noob in Rp. Maybe you dont know me because i dont play so much but i made 10% of the expansion in nwe since im r6 like scandi poland expansion with russia was ragnar idea but my expansion is better or indonesia and malaysia and south philly with Aussie or full central asia with china or full east africa with egypt and other expansion like that. Maybe you hate us but you need a better reason to ban a clan who only play your map.
13.01.2018 - 16:13
Do you even understand what I mean by "AW politics"?
Tauren. Ο λογαριασμός διεγράφη |
13.01.2018 - 16:13 Tauren. Ο λογαριασμός διεγράφη
It's pretty funny how people take this game too seriously. haha k... brb... suicide...
13.01.2018 - 16:14
"AW Politics" > News from mods, coalitions, everything in AW dealing with the public forums, etc.
13.01.2018 - 16:16
Please prove it. And not showing that screenshot of you banning Vertiven either, because he's a former memebr of H8 who joined AG who just has a grudge on you. It's obvious you set it up because he knew you banned him. Proven below, as it's said in general discord chat on our discord server. ![]()
13.01.2018 - 16:16
Also http://prntscr.com/i02fc3 lol getting every single alt to like a comment... jesus wept
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13.01.2018 - 16:16
Protecting myself from the lies you make about me ![]()
13.01.2018 - 16:17
What's wrong with people likeing?
13.01.2018 - 16:19
It is. There all online in discord. Even then, it's not against anything to have a few fucking alts like a post lmfao. It has no affect on anything.
13.01.2018 - 16:19
Sure sure, seems convenient all these throwaway alts come online at the same time, but you do you
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13.01.2018 - 16:21
Well yes, after what drama just happened I told them on discord. You have a problem with that?
13.01.2018 - 16:33
Judging from an outside perspective of which I am entitled to, putting it simple, this was just the climax of H8's ingerency and insolency in other maps, having themselves being known for ill-playing games and maps, rigging games and going around the rules. Instead of some folks here dissing around, how about you respect the mapmaker and join the dialogue he himself propose? Don't play the victim if you've been the agressor permitted by an open mapmaker who has had enough of a couple internet trolls mess his work and other people's gameplays, before screaming like pre-teens, have it a go and dialogue with the maker.
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13.01.2018 - 16:36
Don't wanna interfere cuz I've got more on my hands (Exams) right now but isn't it ironic that you're playing the poor, petty victim when you himself:: -Tracked my IP -Threatened to Hack me -Bragged how you could see AW chat logs and were stalking me -And messaged folks to get close to me and get a picture of me to show around ur Troll Club? -Enphasized a rumour Free_Warrior wanted to start that I was on a Wheelchair? (it's a lie btw) Don't throw rocks if rocks can get thrown back at you mate, I smell H...ipocrisy
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13.01.2018 - 16:51
Nah, I wrote this. Hypothetically if he did write it, I would have to be the one to copy and paste it considering no one (should) have my login information other than me. These are my words, no one else's.
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