10.10.2010 - 04:41
Well, i wanted to ask a question that does not fall under the category of bugs or suggestions so ... a thread for questions might be suitable here so, my question is; when should we expect the FAQ to become online ... i hate to bother and ask trivial questions everynow and then.. a FAQ would eliminate the need for such questions. for example, i want to know why do troops keep costing me more money each turn even if i dont build additional troops ... is there a cost of 'maintenance' for troops? and is that cost increasing each turn ? and what ways do i have to gain money ... i just keep on losing money from troops and i cant even disband my troops that's costing me all that money, and i end up being broke ![]() any feedback on that?
13.10.2010 - 02:25
FAQ will be online soon. We wanted to do it a long time ago, but were more focused on new game features and bug fixes. Now, when the game is reasonably playable, we will focus on documentation and stuff ![]() In the meantime, it would be great if you could compile a list of other things you'd like to know and also things that were hard to understand during the game. Troops cost doesn't increase with each turn ![]() To gain more money you need to capture more cities/countries, that's the only way for now.
17.10.2010 - 16:03
You see the enemy troop's details only if they are inside your visibility range. Visibility range is combined of all your troops' visibility ranges. You can see it by clicking the toggle visibility range button located under the minimap.
18.10.2010 - 01:44
Stealth units are invisible until you use them to attack. After that you will need to move them into one of your cities to make them invisible again.
30.10.2010 - 19:47
Is there any place to find a detailed list of how combat works? For example, why did my 5 infantry die to one neutral militia? Why was my tank's attack orange this round but not before? Why is there never a tie in combat? Also, how about what strategies actually do? Ie, exactly what bonus to defense does perfect defense have?
---- rawr!
31.10.2010 - 03:19
You can read about battle combat in here: http://afterwind.com/home/faq.php?faq_id=17. We will keep working on making it more balanced and transparent. Ties do occur actually, but since they don't resolve anything, they are skipped and not shown to you. There's no detailed info on Strategies at the moment. Normally they add +1 to max attack/defence for certain units, increase movement range and reduce their cost. At the same time some other units will cost more, move less and roll less. In case of Perfect Defence, defensive units are upgraded, while offensive ones are downgraded.
03.11.2010 - 14:41
I've got a question ... what about a forum topic called documentation / references. i made this open-office doc with all unit stats (atk/def/range/cost) , including Upgrade Effects. - don't know where to put it else. http://rapidshare.com/files/428730030/afterwind.ods edit: updated document
03.11.2010 - 15:20
I created a new forum - General discussion. You can open a topic there. There's a plan to have detailed unit info inside the game too - very soon.
03.11.2010 - 17:38
Just registered and the site looks great. Can't wait to start playing but quick question. I'm a busy student in college and also have a job as well. About how long does a typical game take or for each game type. This would be good to know so I don't start one and then have to leave for class or work before it ends.
04.11.2010 - 03:40
It depends. A game can last for 15 minutes or it can last for days. Things to look for: playing area - the smaller it is, the shorter the game will be. Maximum game duration: if it's set for example to 15 turns, the game will end on turn 15, no matter what. Victory condition: Capture the Capital is usually the fastest as it allows to win by just capturing one city.
04.11.2010 - 08:51
So if it is one of the games that lasts for a few days, I take it players just have to leave the game window open and then come back to it whenever we can to take a turn or see if another player has taken their turn? I'm guessing that is also what the chat is also used for so people can know when people are there or leaving. :-P I know this should go in the suggestion area but I'll just couple it with this to make sense but a way to save a game while closing the browser. That way we wouldn't lose SP. I guess in the end I will just have to play and discover a lot of this myself haha. After all, this is still Beta testing. ![]()
04.11.2010 - 12:22
The ability to save games is definitely coming up - cannot say when, but we will implement it eventually.
07.11.2010 - 08:38
You can do it here: http://afterwind.com/users/settings.php (link in the top menu).
11.11.2010 - 01:27
At 20k sp you can buy the upgrade "stealth." my question is "why?" I believe i already bought stealth at around 5k sp, and at the very least sky menace already includes it, so why is it an upgrade?
11.11.2010 - 02:10
Check the list of your purchased upgrades, to make sure you have bought it. Sky menace indeed has it from the start, but if you want to use Stealth with other strategies, you need to unlock it.
11.11.2010 - 13:53
why would i want to use other strategies when sky menace is by far the best one?
24.11.2010 - 17:42
What does a +10% after-roll bonus chance for a unit mean (acquired at a certain upgrade)?
25.11.2010 - 03:30
Sorry if this ARB thing is a bit unclear... this is a 'critical shot' tech which existed from the beginning. ARB shows the maximum after-roll bonus. ARB % shows the chances for the minimum bonus to apply. The higher bonus has proportionally less chances. So, if the unit's ARB is 5 and the ARB chance is 50%, 1 will be added to the roll every other time. Adding 2, 3, 4 and 5 has less chances, with 5 being pretty damn rare.
26.11.2010 - 00:15
Looking at the upgrades list, it seems like ARB is really important. For example: the highest upgrade I see at 40K SP is 'Lucky Bastard' which increases ARB but also makes every unit even more expensive. I feel like choosing a strategy for luck makes its usefulness vary. Also, do upgrades like 'Lucky Militia' stack on top of 'Lucky Bastard'?
26.11.2010 - 03:35
Yes, upgrades and strategies stack.
27.11.2010 - 15:24
When you move all of your units out of a city and end turn then next turn the units do not move out if you get attacked on that city?
28.11.2010 - 14:58
28.11.2010 - 23:59
http://afterwind.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=35 If that helps at all. =)
07.12.2010 - 18:09
Did the game change? Is there no moe allied victory? playing a game with someone and at the end i did not win the game with my allied player.
07.12.2010 - 18:20
Ally victory only if kill all enemies (or capture selected country, etc) if game ends on turns, no allied victory - player with max SP wins alone, even if allied
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