29.09.2013 - 00:02
The admins are not at fault for the decline of atwar. We are. I see so many high ranks shaking their little fists at the admins and complaining about the lack of players of 3v3 and 1v1 games. Well who's fucking fault is that? I see 3-5 people who host public 3v3 daily. These 3v3 are for rank 6+, 7+, and some even 8+. This is ridiculous. You are blocking out the ranks 3-5 who are the future generation of atwar from playing the competitive maps. Do you expect them to be some genius of atwar when they reach rank 6-8? Why hold out the lower ranks from learning how to play the competitive map? Whether they're a rank 4 or rank 8 the player will play just the same if he hasn't been exposed to the competitive map. Also notice how I said '3-5 people host 3v3 daily.' This is why scenarios get so many more players. They are hosted much more often and have no rank limits. We have so many premium members that have posted here with a concern about the future of atwar. Yet I see none of them host 3v3 for anybody to enjoy. Don't be a baby who gathers his toys and goes home. 'Oh boohoo the community plays UN more than 3v3. Im just gonna sit on my ass and cry about it.' Be a man and do something. Host a 3v3 for all ranks and guide the noobs on how to expand and fight. Invite the low ranks to your clan and train them. You don't have to play the game to train a player. Any high rank can spectate and give advice to players. Stop with the hate comments such as 'what a noob' 'you suck' 'I can't tell who is worse.' Be encouraging. You don't have to be their friend but at least give them the occasional 'good job! Keep trying!' A comment like that from a rank 9 will mean the world to a rank 4. Don't just comment 'support' in the comments. If you're reading, go to the lobby and start a 3v3 and start helping low ranks learn the game. If we had every premium member who posted on the forums this week bitching about the lack of competitiveness host 3v3 a day to train lower ranks, a new breed of competitive players will be born. We can do this. We can save atwar! But it requires an effort from us all.
29.09.2013 - 00:15
Any low rank motivated to play 3 v 3, can easily join Spectator, and learn how to play. we have pro trainers such as: Tunder3 Muted Fuse Hdrakon kashus3 Not only we train noobs, but we motivate them to hate UN Games, the only downside is logistics, but our forum makes up for the people that didn't had time to play our training sessions.
29.09.2013 - 00:33
No. We want a top tier game vs players of similar skill. You can't play a proper 3 vs 3 when one can just run over all three of the opposing players with ease. There were players who create lower ranked 3 vs 3 games but it seems they've dried up. And high level coalitions are exactly that, high level, they don't often accept lower levels. It's more how new players are directed than higher ranks lack of action. High ranks can't keep their skill up, clan war, teach their own clan members, AND try to teach every new player on atWar. No, we want the administrators to direct new players towards competitive play and at that point it is the new player's choice to put effort into learning or piss their time away in UN games. As it is now they just slide into scenarios like UN games and stay the same skill level throughout most of their playtime if they don't take notice of CW's and 3 vs 3's. Thus we end up with rank 9's with the same skill as rank 5's, and rank 6's that learn how to 3 vs 3 and can beat rank 9's. atWar can be fixed by the administrators if they choose to do anything. This is why there are threads asking them to do something. I agree that more 3 vs 3's should be made and played though.
29.09.2013 - 00:41
I think spectator are doing a wonderful job!
---- We are not the same - I am a Martian. We are not the same - I am a... divided constellation? ![]()
02.10.2013 - 14:51
This is supported by my associate LENIN CAT ![]()
---- ALL is fair in love and war. SO GET USED TO IT! You opinion is not recognized as being valid.
07.10.2013 - 10:32
I think we should have brackets for cws like semi pro and pro like lets say all pro clans start making training clans i kno there already are training clans but most are not active with a good leader to teach the lower ranks my point is theses training clans could be used to teach lower ranks about the other side of afterwind an we as a community could do this i mean the admins cant do everything i wouldent expect them to go out there way to say or do something about UN games no a lot of this cant be quelled and fixed by the community if we apply ourselves to it i wouldent mind helping low ranks out in a training clan and then see all the training clans battle it out for the season se who does the best hue idk though ![]()
---- "I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion."-Alexander The Great
07.10.2013 - 12:33
Help me wade! :p
---- We are not the same - I am a Martian. We are not the same - I am a... divided constellation? ![]()
07.10.2013 - 12:39
This topic is proof that anybody below rank 9 is a noob: http://atwar-game.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=10181 If you want to be a better player join spectator, any other clan is fake ranks that don't know how to play or is not active anymore.
07.10.2013 - 12:44
well i was just kidding with wade but i have the utmost respect to spectator, yes there are people who's skill is contrary to their ranks, but not in evoL.A team with tunder and unleashed is naturally unstoppable!
---- We are not the same - I am a Martian. We are not the same - I am a... divided constellation? ![]()
07.10.2013 - 12:53
I was just pointing out somethings we could do as a community to make overall everyone a better player an get more noobs interested in learning the competitive side of afterwind so they will want to learn and play 3v3s or 1v1s other than clicking on a UN game and learning nothing :p
---- "I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion."-Alexander The Great
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