World Map 2.0 has arrived!

Our new map has officially been released. Big thanks to the Game Meta team for completing this massive project! Be sure to check out the presets as well

We are eager to hear your feedback so we can make further adjustments and improvements. Please let us know what you think.

Don't worry, the original World Map will always be available, forever -- but someday we plan to make World Map 2.0 the new default map, so we want to get it right.

Double SP Weekend

This weekend (March 25-26) is a Double SP Weekend, so be sure not to miss it!



Σχόλια: 73   Επισκέφθηκε από: 2240 users
26.03.2022 - 01:19
Message deleted by atWar_Official. Reason: off topic and trolling
26.03.2022 - 01:45
"what if the world was full of 1-reinf islands"

memes aside here are some objections:

-If New Caledonia is going to be "France: New Caledonia", and Puerto Rico is going to be "USA: Puerto Rico" and etc. then Hong Kong should be "China: Hong Kong"
-"China: Jiangxi" doesn't encompass the Chinese province of Jiangxi, which is instead part of "China: Fujian" on the map. "China: Jiangxi" is made up of the provinces of Hubei (where the region capital Wuhan is) and Hunan.
-Israel's capital is shown as Jerusalem, which is a political statement
-Part of the Yellow Sea has been bordered as part of "China: Jinan", that area is not landmass, it is sea, the reason for the brown colouring is the massive amount of silt the yellow river brings down
-A city in Yunnan is named "Lajing", it is in the location of Dali, a large city in the area, however I've never heard of Dali being called as such, the only Lajing I could find was a village in Burma

Overall feels like China was left for last and was drawn half-arsedly, even the border quality in it is worse than elsewhere
Someone Better Than You
26.03.2022 - 01:48
Looks great, looking forward to see it in practice!

The presets don't seem to work as of now, the start screen scrolls and zooms to the designated preset area, but all countries on the map can be taken as starting countries and are available to be conquered during the game.
26.03.2022 - 02:19
 atWar_Official (Διαχειριστής)
Γραμμένο από Zoyarox, 26.03.2022 at 01:48

Looks great, looking forward to see it in practice!

The presets don't seem to work as of now, the start screen scrolls and zooms to the designated preset area, but all countries on the map can be taken as starting countries and are available to be conquered during the game.

We had a problem with the deployment but it is fixed now, all the presets are working again.
26.03.2022 - 04:10
Map well done, but there are some things that need to be reviewed:

1) The coast of China appears to be incorrect
2) The capital of Goelland is not on the coast but has a port
3) Although ia is against Palestine however in fact it exists, in any case the part of Palestinian authority is not assigned to anyone, so it is considered by the game as a sea, perhaps it would be appropriate to create the "Palestine" state or alternatively give territory to Israel
4) Currently Israel is the strongest country in the region so putting 6 troops in Jerusalem and 8 in Damascus seems incorrect to me
5) Several countries are missing such as:
San Marino, Andorra and others
In this regard there are several states that in fact exist and are more or less recognized independent, here is a complete list (In Italian, but it certainly exists in other languages ​​too)

Finally I have a request, would it be possible to have the link of the map so that I can use it?
26.03.2022 - 04:34
Glad to see it released.
26.03.2022 - 04:35
Γραμμένο από Eridans, 26.03.2022 at 04:10

1. The coast of China may appear to be incorrect, although if we are talking about the same spot you might be getting it confused with the ocean. It may be brown but this is due to rivers that make certain spots appear as coastline but is actually just brackish water. Other areas have this.(Bangladesh, Burma and Brazil).
2. I am unsure of which capital you speak of exactly.
3. It is nothing personal. If some places don't appear it may be on accident.
4. Cities/Capitals get their dedicated reinforcements based off the cities population. It has nothing to do with strength. Sometimes countries are compensated with more income if there isn't enough room to place more cities.
5. Thank you for this. If certain countries weren't added it was simply an oversight.

You're able to clone the map
26.03.2022 - 04:57
Γραμμένο από PleaseMe, 26.03.2022 at 04:35

Γραμμένο από Eridans, 26.03.2022 at 04:10

1. The coast of China may appear to be incorrect, although if we are talking about the same spot you might be getting it confused with the ocean. It may be brown but this is due to rivers that make certain spots appear as coastline but is actually just brackish water. Other areas have this.(Bangladesh, Burma and Brazil).
2. I am unsure of which capital you speak of exactly.
3. It is nothing personal. If some places don't appear it may be on accident.
4. Cities/Capitals get their dedicated reinforcements based off the cities population. It has nothing to do with strength. Sometimes countries are compensated with more income if there isn't enough room to place more cities.
5. Thank you for this. If certain countries weren't added it was simply an oversight.

You're able to clone the map

Some explanations
2) The capital of Greenland is "Nuuk" and is located on the coast, I cloned the map and it is not positioned on the coast
3) The real problem is that in that area, not being assigned to any nation, it is in fact sea and the ground troops cannot pass, so either "Palestine" must be created or that territory must be assigned to someone
5) this was clear, I put the link for this reason

As for the map, I have already cloned the map, I was asking for the link to the image of the map
26.03.2022 - 05:37
Chinese borders actually look really good imo. But the ugly brownish water should probably be edited out.
Also, why are you apparently afraid to go above 8 reinf ? It would bring more diversity than the 8 spam in East Asia.
Crimea should probably be independant.
Finally, why was Saint-Petersburg made a city-state ? As far as I can tell it's the only city to get this treatment.
All rules from my scenarios can be found here :
26.03.2022 - 06:00
Γραμμένο από Eridans, 26.03.2022 at 04:57

Gotcha. Here you go.
26.03.2022 - 06:06
The snow texture in Canada/Alaska looks WAYY better than the snow texture in Russia. I think the snow should be re-worked in western Russia and, really, many parts of Russia. Also, I think the river should be removed near Mezen in Russia: Arkhangelsk. Some of the borders int hat part of Russia should also change, like theoborder between Arkhangelsk Oblast and Komi Oblast

The brown stuff is China also should be removed. And the vertical light blue line in the Indian Ocean, near Indonesia and Australia, sticks out a lot to me for some reason. Sticks out way too much compared to the features in other parts of the ocean.
Happiness = reality - expectations
26.03.2022 - 06:10
Γραμμένο από Gilalad, 26.03.2022 at 05:37

I personally don't mind the brownish waters. But it's definitely possible to brush it out.
Originally there were plans to use 9 and 10 reinforcement cities. Meta team voted against this unfortunately. Change isn't for everyone I suppose.
Crimea stayed with Ukraine in order to maintain the common 3v3 game mode that competitive loves so dearly. It was solely done for balance purposes and was not political.
As for St. Petersburg, it creates more diversity in picks for Russia.
26.03.2022 - 06:16
Γραμμένο από Tribune Aquila, 26.03.2022 at 06:06

There happens to be a snowier version of the world map. But by doing this you are unable to read a lot of the text in Canada/Russia/Scandinavia as well as borders. Texture and border color could be changed to counteract this problem.
26.03.2022 - 07:42
Good map except the islands give me cancer
26.03.2022 - 07:42
Γραμμένο από PleaseMe, 26.03.2022 at 04:35

Γραμμένο από Eridans, 26.03.2022 at 04:10

1. The coast of China may appear to be incorrect, although if we are talking about the same spot you might be getting it confused with the ocean. It may be brown but this is due to rivers that make certain spots appear as coastline but is actually just brackish water. Other areas have this.(Bangladesh, Burma and Brazil).
2. I am unsure of which capital you speak of exactly.
3. It is nothing personal. If some places don't appear it may be on accident.
4. Cities/Capitals get their dedicated reinforcements based off the cities population. It has nothing to do with strength. Sometimes countries are compensated with more income if there isn't enough room to place more cities.
5. Thank you for this. If certain countries weren't added it was simply an oversight.

You're able to clone the map

One request, it would be possible to eliminate China's brackish water and other points from the map image, it looks like land and it seems that the coasts are wrong
26.03.2022 - 08:04
Iraq is too thick
26.03.2022 - 09:02
To bad we cant share this on facebook or retweet about this on twitter. think of all the lost atwar players out there
26.03.2022 - 09:48
I have a couple things to mention.1 why is crimea part of ukraine when it is defacto controlled by Russia. 2, the republics of donetsk and luhansk are real nations recognised by permanent members of the UN, so they should be their own states. And 3, you only add some rivers yet skip out on some like the eurphrates in the middle east. IF YOUR GONNA ADD ONE ADD THEM ALL!

26.03.2022 - 10:00
I think the disregard for underdeveloped countries is impressive. They divided the US into thousands of parts and didn't even have the courage to do it state by state in South America. This is very discouraging, I give the new map a 4, the old one is better to understand their reason at that time
26.03.2022 - 10:11
F map 2.0
26.03.2022 - 11:26
Mexico and Japan op. They can basicaly take 1/3 of China/US in one turn.
26.03.2022 - 11:33
Γραμμένο από alc16, 26.03.2022 at 11:26

Mexico and Japan op. They can basicaly take 1/3 of China/US in one turn.

in 50k yes maybe, but this was simular like in India and usa atlantic
26.03.2022 - 11:57
Overkill on the 1 reinf capital cities and battleships are op af
Orcs are a horde, much like Turks. Elves and Men are light skinned, Orcs are often darker/sallow skinned, like Turks.

Istanbul?Thats not how you pronounce Constantinople
26.03.2022 - 13:13
Γραμμένο από Murderer, 26.03.2022 at 09:48

I have a couple things to mention.1 why is crimea part of ukraine when it is defacto controlled by Russia. 2, the republics of donetsk and luhansk are real nations recognised by permanent members of the UN, so they should be their own states. And 3, you only add some rivers yet skip out on some like the eurphrates in the middle east. IF YOUR GONNA ADD ONE ADD THEM ALL!

26.03.2022 - 15:12
I like this map except the r4s.
26.03.2022 - 15:13
New map rated by region:
East Asia: 10/10 - excellent work with China.
SouthEast Asia: 5/10 - IndoChina peninsula is okay but Indonesia is a mess. and while it doesn't have that many reinfs or income (which someone argued serves as a balance for its size), it is an unfair tactical advantage to start the game with.
South Asia: 6/10 - While good progress has been made, I have some complaints. However, I don't expect non Indians to think of these kinds of things without being told so I won't scold staff. Bluntly put, Indian borders need to be redrawn, more cities need to be added, and at least 4 rivers (similar to how they are in world map 2.0 Russia) need to be added.
My suggestions for borders:
> TamilNadu, Kerala, Karnataka, Andhra (these four were grouped together and are the only indian pick I approve of) put together make "India: Dravida" (dravida means 3 coasts, has nothing to do with retarded race theories)
> Telangana and Maharashtra put together make "India: Deccan", the plateau and cultural group that these three states make up
> Odissa, West Bengal, Bihar put together make "India: Central East"
> Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Chattisghar put together make "India: Central"
> Gujarat, Rajasthan put together make "India: West"
> Uttarakhand, Jammu, Kashmir, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Haryana, and Delhi put together make "India: North West"
My suggestions for Cities:
> India: Dravida - Bengaluru (cap, 8 units), Chennai (7 units), Cochin (3 units), Vikashapatnam (2 units)
> India: Deccan - Mumbai (cap 9 units), Hyderabad (8 units), Goa (2 units)
> India: Central - Lucknow (cap 7 units), Indore (6 units), Nagpur (6 units)
> India: West - Ahmedabad (cap 6 units), Surat (2 units), Jaipur (8 units) (Jaipur isn't as big a city but a lot of the army comes from Rajasthani rajputs)
> India: East - Patna (cap 5 units), Kolkata (9 units)
> India: North West - Chandighar (cap 7 units), New Delhi (10 units), Srinagar (1 unit), Dehradun (7 units) (again not that big but a lot of the army comes from kumaonis there)
> India: North East - Guwahati (cap 5 units)
My suggestions for Rivers:
Indus/Sindh (Pakistan India China) + Sutlej (Pakistan India) [and maybe even Jhelum (Pakistan India)]
Ganga (China India Bangladesh) + Yamuna (India) + Bramhaputra (China India Bangladesh)
Krishna River
Narmada River
irl population and economy of india rivals china and russia so more detail can be added
same goes for pakistan, which in population rivals many euro countries, considering adding more cities and splitting north (west punjab + NW) and south (Sindh + Baluch)
this'll be fun for south asian dueling

Russia/North Eurasia - 8/10 wow nice rivers and new countries, but pls join st. peters and novgorad back, split Russia:South and consider adding no go zones for Ural mtns
Europe - 10/10 same as before
Africa - nobody cares
South America 2/10 - split brazil further, argentina, chile, more cities and rivers and no go zones for mtns and rainforests
North America 0/10 - what the fuck did you split it into EVERY STATE for?
Man is something, that shall be overcome.
26.03.2022 - 15:19
Γραμμένο από b2spirit, 26.03.2022 at 15:13

North America 0/10 - what the fuck did you split it into EVERY STATE for?

Have you tried playing it? Maybe some questions give you automatic answer

26.03.2022 - 16:43
Γραμμένο από b2spirit, 26.03.2022 at 15:13

North America 0/10 - what the fuck did you split it into EVERY STATE for?

As a citizen of the U.S., this is the single thing I love most about the new map! It was always weird the way the old World Map divided the U.S. into these bizarre regions -- it made no sense. Obviously done by non-Americans who weren't familiar with the country. Now with the new map its awesome! Finally! U.S. states are much more independent from each other than non-Americans would realize.
26.03.2022 - 16:54
Γραμμένο από Croat, 26.03.2022 at 15:19

Γραμμένο από b2spirit, 26.03.2022 at 15:13

North America 0/10 - what the fuck did you split it into EVERY STATE for?

Have you tried playing it? Maybe some questions give you automatic answer

i dont think fucking oklahoma and nj need to be seperate. it used to be 5 or 6 divisions, could've made it 11 or 12 lmao
Man is something, that shall be overcome.
26.03.2022 - 19:19
 Nedris (Επόπτης)
I m grateful for the effort, so first of all thx to the makers.

I'm never been a real fan of world map for many reasons, and here i ll prob get ignored but that's fine.
What's the point behind not respecting the actual economical power of nations? giving some nation way too high income and other way too low ones.

Basic example, Indonesia, which has around 1100 gdp has higher income than Italy, which has 1800-1900 gdp and the same issue goes for many other countries lel, it just doesn't make much sense :/

Despite that, i think the same kind of thing goes for reinf, which i understand is kinda based also on population, but there is a difference in reality, in what kind of troops does a country have, and not having that difference in atwar creates some kind of idk, inflation, said that, i'm not saying to change everything, i'm just uselessly saying that it doesn't really make sense to me.

That said, i still thank the team that remade this map, hoping it will contribute to a regrow of atwar and a thrive in it's future
26.03.2022 - 20:11
Γραμμένο από Nedris, 26.03.2022 at 19:19

Economical power is respected for nations. But there's a lot that goes into make the entire world balanced. There are very few outliers. And Indonesia is one of them.

Countries like USA, Russia and China are split up due to large land mass. Having them as one whole country would be too powerful and too expensive.

But for a country like Indonesia where it has great landmass, great population, but low overall GDP. Splitting it up just wouldn't make too much sense. Another example of this is Mexico. Very similar problems.
Countries like this must be compensated in some sort when they cannot be properly represented on the map.
For example, countries that don't have enough space to fit all their reinforcements are compensated with more income. And countries like Indonesia and Mexico don't meet the land requirements to be split up like India and China. But since it has a greater total area, and since it is very difficult to capture. We've made it slightly better than it used to be.

As for reinforcement, 95% of the maps reinforcements are based solely off population.
here is a guide.
1 - 525k population = 1 reinforcement
525k - 875k population = 2 reinforcements
875k - 1.25 million population = 3 reinforcements
1.25 million - 1.575 million population = 4 reinforcements
1.575 million - 1.925 million population = 5 reinforcements
1.925 million - 2.275 million population = 6 reinforcements
2.275 million - 2.625 million population = 7 reinforcements
2.625 million+ population = 8 reinforcements

But for countries like India and china where the population far exceeds. We simply granted slightly higher income in order to keep up with its high population upkeep.

Hope some of this was helpful in understanding how the map was made.
26.03.2022 - 23:08
Rename jiangxi to hunan. Kinda accidently named it wrong since its a different province. But everything else is 10/10 perfect!
26.03.2022 - 23:58
Good job to all involved in this project, also nice work too all the players testing it and giving tips/suggestions to make the new map better .

Its always nice too see players and mapmakers working together to make games more enjoyable for all.
27.03.2022 - 00:43
Some inaccuracies with the new units came to my attention:

  • For clarity and continuity, Helicopters should have stated their ability to (not) take cities in their description too.
  • "Steath Bomber" -> "Stealth Bomber"
  • The Helicopter's description has spelling errors (English).
  • Fortification's description refers to itself as building, other units of a building type refer to themselves as units.
  • All naval units can capture cities? (If so, for continuity, Air Transports (and possibly Helicopters) shouldn't state their (new) ability to take cities, as units only have an inability to take cities stated in their description.)
27.03.2022 - 03:03
Γραμμένο από b2spirit, 26.03.2022 at 15:13

New map rated by region:
East Asia: 10/10 - excellent work with China.
SouthEast Asia: 5/10 - IndoChina peninsula is okay but Indonesia is a mess. and while it doesn't have that many reinfs or income (which someone argued serves as a balance for its size), it is an unfair tactical advantage to start the game with.
South Asia: 6/10 - While good progress has been made, I have some complaints. However, I don't expect non Indians to think of these kinds of things without being told so I won't scold staff. Bluntly put, Indian borders need to be redrawn, more cities need to be added, and at least 4 rivers (similar to how they are in world map 2.0 Russia) need to be added.
My suggestions for borders:
> TamilNadu, Kerala, Karnataka, Andhra (these four were grouped together and are the only indian pick I approve of) put together make "India: Dravida" (dravida means 3 coasts, has nothing to do with retarded race theories)
> Telangana and Maharashtra put together make "India: Deccan", the plateau and cultural group that these three states make up
> Odissa, West Bengal, Bihar put together make "India: Central East"
> Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Chattisghar put together make "India: Central"
> Gujarat, Rajasthan put together make "India: West"
> Uttarakhand, Jammu, Kashmir, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Haryana, and Delhi put together make "India: North West"
My suggestions for Cities:
> India: Dravida - Bengaluru (cap, 8 units), Chennai (7 units), Cochin (3 units), Vikashapatnam (2 units)
> India: Deccan - Mumbai (cap 9 units), Hyderabad (8 units), Goa (2 units)
> India: Central - Lucknow (cap 7 units), Indore (6 units), Nagpur (6 units)
> India: West - Ahmedabad (cap 6 units), Surat (2 units), Jaipur (8 units) (Jaipur isn't as big a city but a lot of the army comes from Rajasthani rajputs)
> India: East - Patna (cap 5 units), Kolkata (9 units)
> India: North West - Chandighar (cap 7 units), New Delhi (10 units), Srinagar (1 unit), Dehradun (7 units) (again not that big but a lot of the army comes from kumaonis there)
> India: North East - Guwahati (cap 5 units)
My suggestions for Rivers:
Indus/Sindh (Pakistan India China) + Sutlej (Pakistan India) [and maybe even Jhelum (Pakistan India)]
Ganga (China India Bangladesh) + Yamuna (India) + Bramhaputra (China India Bangladesh)
Krishna River
Narmada River
irl population and economy of india rivals china and russia so more detail can be added
same goes for pakistan, which in population rivals many euro countries, considering adding more cities and splitting north (west punjab + NW) and south (Sindh + Baluch)
this'll be fun for south asian dueling

Russia/North Eurasia - 8/10 wow nice rivers and new countries, but pls join st. peters and novgorad back, split Russia:South and consider adding no go zones for Ural mtns
Europe - 10/10 same as before
Africa - nobody cares
South America 2/10 - split brazil further, argentina, chile, more cities and rivers and no go zones for mtns and rainforests
North America 0/10 - what the fuck did you split it into EVERY STATE for?

India GDP 2.6 trillion / 1.5 billion people
UK GDP 2.7 trillion / 67 million people
"rivals Russia and China" XAXAXA
27.03.2022 - 05:51
Haven't played yet but 1 thing definitely stands out.

There is so much change all across the map, but the reinforcements need to be MORE DIVERSE. This is especially boring in the awesome looking china and India now.
You should very much add a 9,10 and maybe even 11 Reinforcement as an option to make the bigger cities stand out and keep it more variable. Despite India and China are by far the most populated cities.
This would also make africa and south america more interesting because you can give them more reinforcement to balance out their heavy eco disadvantage.
The new theme just does not fit with the 8 reinforcement spam - its very outdated.
Another reason why i think adding 9,10 or even 11 reinforcement is a good game improvement... Because there are more cities now, the game automatically will last longer and it will be harder to kill a player. By adding cities with more reinforcement you make it more rewarding to conquer those important and big cities and be able to just end the game quicker. So it will add up to a bit shorter and more spicy games.

South america and africa need more reinforcements, they will be super weak due to china, middle east, russia and us being stronger - to just balance out the low income.
Indonesia etc. another candidate but there its still okay imo.

On the other side there is so much things i like incl. russia looks great, china..india also great..the oil "cities" gives an interesting and strategical aspect to the game.
Thank you for putting up the work. So overall very good first impression. BUT PLEASE CHANGE THE 8 REINFORCEMENT SPAM!
27.03.2022 - 08:22
Γραμμένο από smegma lover, 27.03.2022 at 03:03

Γραμμένο από b2spirit, 26.03.2022 at 15:13

New map rated by region:
East Asia: 10/10 - excellent work with China.
SouthEast Asia: 5/10 - IndoChina peninsula is okay but Indonesia is a mess. and while it doesn't have that many reinfs or income (which someone argued serves as a balance for its size), it is an unfair tactical advantage to start the game with.
South Asia: 6/10 - While good progress has been made, I have some complaints. However, I don't expect non Indians to think of these kinds of things without being told so I won't scold staff. Bluntly put, Indian borders need to be redrawn, more cities need to be added, and at least 4 rivers (similar to how they are in world map 2.0 Russia) need to be added.
My suggestions for borders:
> TamilNadu, Kerala, Karnataka, Andhra (these four were grouped together and are the only indian pick I approve of) put together make "India: Dravida" (dravida means 3 coasts, has nothing to do with retarded race theories)
> Telangana and Maharashtra put together make "India: Deccan", the plateau and cultural group that these three states make up
> Odissa, West Bengal, Bihar put together make "India: Central East"
> Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Chattisghar put together make "India: Central"
> Gujarat, Rajasthan put together make "India: West"
> Uttarakhand, Jammu, Kashmir, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Haryana, and Delhi put together make "India: North West"
My suggestions for Cities:
> India: Dravida - Bengaluru (cap, 8 units), Chennai (7 units), Cochin (3 units), Vikashapatnam (2 units)
> India: Deccan - Mumbai (cap 9 units), Hyderabad (8 units), Goa (2 units)
> India: Central - Lucknow (cap 7 units), Indore (6 units), Nagpur (6 units)
> India: West - Ahmedabad (cap 6 units), Surat (2 units), Jaipur (8 units) (Jaipur isn't as big a city but a lot of the army comes from Rajasthani rajputs)
> India: East - Patna (cap 5 units), Kolkata (9 units)
> India: North West - Chandighar (cap 7 units), New Delhi (10 units), Srinagar (1 unit), Dehradun (7 units) (again not that big but a lot of the army comes from kumaonis there)
> India: North East - Guwahati (cap 5 units)
My suggestions for Rivers:
Indus/Sindh (Pakistan India China) + Sutlej (Pakistan India) [and maybe even Jhelum (Pakistan India)]
Ganga (China India Bangladesh) + Yamuna (India) + Bramhaputra (China India Bangladesh)
Krishna River
Narmada River
irl population and economy of india rivals china and russia so more detail can be added
same goes for pakistan, which in population rivals many euro countries, considering adding more cities and splitting north (west punjab + NW) and south (Sindh + Baluch)
this'll be fun for south asian dueling

Russia/North Eurasia - 8/10 wow nice rivers and new countries, but pls join st. peters and novgorad back, split Russia:South and consider adding no go zones for Ural mtns
Europe - 10/10 same as before
Africa - nobody cares
South America 2/10 - split brazil further, argentina, chile, more cities and rivers and no go zones for mtns and rainforests
North America 0/10 - what the fuck did you split it into EVERY STATE for?

India GDP 2.6 trillion / 1.5 billion people
UK GDP 2.7 trillion / 67 million people
"rivals Russia and China" XAXAXA

hoella when she realizes that
hoella when she realizes that gdp is an arbitrary description of an arbitrary value in an an arbitrarily planned system and in the modern age, it has failed to be a predictor of economic, diplomatic, and military power. gdp only directly varies with a country's military, economic, and geopolitical power when the people of the nation are greedy consumer cocksucker pigs (UK for example).
Man is something, that shall be overcome.
27.03.2022 - 08:41
Regarding the units i can´t say much yet, i like the approach of more options and functionality. Not sure of the balancing yet, just needs some time i guess.
But the cruiser does not make any sense to me. I know its supposedly the old "destroyer" with the same stats. It just does not has any use case. Pay 100 more and you get almost 2x as good unit with the battleship because of its 10hp. Raising the hp of the cruiser to 9 or 10 hp and lower the defense by 1 or 2 would be one option.
You could also argue though that the battleship is a bit strong.. but tbh i don´t think so and I like the change of making the naval stronger overall - gives you more diversity. Still the cruiser needs to be stronger as well.
The new destroyer could also have an increase to Defense of 9 and make it like 10 more expensive. The corvette is quite cost effective in comparison - so it will only be used in rather rare occasions. By this you will increase possibilities of playstyle - because not just spamming infantry or corvettes will work well.
Really try to give all units its use case - the game will be much more diverse - and i guess this is also one goal you wanted to achieve by introducing all this changes.

The strategies obviously play differently as well, so this is going to be very interesting in the future, how you will adapt, change or integrate new strategies with the new units. Old strategies like Iron Fist for instance get much stronger - they no longer have the range problem, because of the missiles, fighters, ships etc available.
Curious to see how you the development will go on. Its very pleasant to see work and changes are done. This is going in the right direction!
27.03.2022 - 09:29
Γραμμένο από PleaseMe, 26.03.2022 at 04:35

Γραμμένο από Eridans, 26.03.2022 at 04:10

1. The coast of China may appear to be incorrect, although if we are talking about the same spot you might be getting it confused with the ocean. It may be brown but this is due to rivers that make certain spots appear as coastline but is actually just brackish water. Other areas have this.(Bangladesh, Burma and Brazil).
2. I am unsure of which capital you speak of exactly.
3. It is nothing personal. If some places don't appear it may be on accident.
4. Cities/Capitals get their dedicated reinforcements based off the cities population. It has nothing to do with strength. Sometimes countries are compensated with more income if there isn't enough room to place more cities.
5. Thank you for this. If certain countries weren't added it was simply an oversight.

You're able to clone the map

I like the map, but the brackish water that looks like land in China and other places doesn't.
If it can be useful I have modified the map by removing it, at least in most places
It can be downloaded at this link:
27.03.2022 - 09:38
Γραμμένο από Zephyrusu, 26.03.2022 at 01:45

"what if the world was full of 1-reinf islands"

memes aside here are some objections:

-If New Caledonia is going to be "France: New Caledonia", and Puerto Rico is going to be "USA: Puerto Rico" and etc. then Hong Kong should be "China: Hong Kong"
-"China: Jiangxi" doesn't encompass the Chinese province of Jiangxi, which is instead part of "China: Fujian" on the map. "China: Jiangxi" is made up of the provinces of Hubei (where the region capital Wuhan is) and Hunan.
-Israel's capital is shown as Jerusalem, which is a political statement
-Part of the Yellow Sea has been bordered as part of "China: Jinan", that area is not landmass, it is sea, the reason for the brown colouring is the massive amount of silt the yellow river brings down
-A city in Yunnan is named "Lajing", it is in the location of Dali, a large city in the area, however I've never heard of Dali being called as such, the only Lajing I could find was a village in Burma

Overall feels like China was left for last and was drawn half-arsedly, even the border quality in it is worse than elsewhere
27.03.2022 - 09:46
Too bloody laggy, i might as well host nwe
27.03.2022 - 10:34
Γραμμένο από smegma lover, 27.03.2022 at 09:38

Population: 14,326

Also in the wrong location
Someone Better Than You
27.03.2022 - 10:40
It looks like while tanks say that they have a -3 defense against fighters, that stat doesn't actually exist. I tried cloning the world and tanks have no defense modifiers.
28.03.2022 - 10:53
Γραμμένο από Zephyrusu, 27.03.2022 at 10:34

Γραμμένο από smegma lover, 27.03.2022 at 09:38

Population: 14,326

Also in the wrong location

The city is mispelled, the name of the city is "Lijiang"
28.03.2022 - 11:44
Γραμμένο από Khauman, 28.03.2022 at 10:53

The city is mispelled, the name of the city is "Lijiang"

welp Xinjiang is mispelled too so no surprise I guess.
Someone Better Than You
28.03.2022 - 17:29
After having tested this map many times, this is my final conclusion:

World Map 2.0 is designed by & for professionals, not for new players. The map is very complex, which exasperates one of the biggest issues atwar has: being too complex. Complexity is, of course, what makes atwar great. Which is why retaining the complexity is highly important. The real challenge is delivering the complexity in a simple way to players. And this map does not accomplish that.

By itself, the extra cities and countries and enhanced texture of this map does not add technical complexity, but it adds psychological complexity. And psychological complexity is just as important as technical complexity. People are turned off by psychological complexity. It's like looking at a calculus problem that is, in reality, super simple; but with fancy notation, looks very intimidating. Quite simply, I don't see how this map could ever serve as a viable replacement for World Map 1.0. A simple template to do moves is required, or else people will be intimidated and overwhelmed. World Map 1.0 is already highly complex, in my view. 2.0 is off the rails.

It might make sense to prevent low ranks from playing world map 2.0 until they reach rank 4, for example. This would 1. prevent them from being overwhelmed by world map 2.0 and 2. incentive them to rank up and continue playing. It would add a sense of prestige to ranks, such that when you see your friend is playing world map 2.0, you know it's because he dedicated himself to the game by getting to rank 4. Therefore, you'll want to catch up with him. Using this in the intermediate/advanced tutorial vs the beginners tutorial also might be interesting, because obviously the map is very good in almost every other respect
Happiness = reality - expectations
29.03.2022 - 00:49
Apparently stealth bombers can actually take cities, clearly a bug.
30.03.2022 - 07:52
In editing my map based on the old world map I tried to load the world map 2.0 image and I was pleased to notice that the map has the same dimensions and positions as the old one, it is therefore possible to replace the old maps with the new image without changing the borders
Good job!!!
31.03.2022 - 16:36
Γραμμένο από Tribune Aquila, 28.03.2022 at 17:29

After having tested this map many times, this is my final conclusion:

World Map 2.0 is designed by & for professionals, not for new players. The map is very complex, which exasperates one of the biggest issues atwar has: being too complex. Complexity is, of course, what makes atwar great. Which is why retaining the complexity is highly important. The real challenge is delivering the complexity in a simple way to players. And this map does not accomplish that.

By itself, the extra cities and countries and enhanced texture of this map does not add technical complexity, but it adds psychological complexity. And psychological complexity is just as important as technical complexity. People are turned off by psychological complexity. It's like looking at a calculus problem that is, in reality, super simple; but with fancy notation, looks very intimidating. Quite simply, I don't see how this map could ever serve as a viable replacement for World Map 1.0. A simple template to do moves is required, or else people will be intimidated and overwhelmed. World Map 1.0 is already highly complex, in my view. 2.0 is off the rails.

It might make sense to prevent low ranks from playing world map 2.0 until they reach rank 4, for example. This would 1. prevent them from being overwhelmed by world map 2.0 and 2. incentive them to rank up and continue playing. It would add a sense of prestige to ranks, such that when you see your friend is playing world map 2.0, you know it's because he dedicated himself to the game by getting to rank 4. Therefore, you'll want to catch up with him. Using this in the intermediate/advanced tutorial vs the beginners tutorial also might be interesting, because obviously the map is very good in almost every other respect

I agree with mostly everything you saying. Especially also the part of accessibility, making it like a ladder system. The problem is atwar has not such a thing.
Apart from some balance issues this map is really great to literally "train your brain" and practice problem solution thinking at an even deeper level than world map 1.
I am not going to go deep into what should be done to make it easier for newer players to progress in the game, but I want to at least mention some basics:
◘ We need a youtube content channel with in dept learning videos from beginner to advanced till pro mechanics (this is so essential I can not emphasize this enough)
Let me take AOE2 as an example - yes at first glance its a complete different thing but from complexity its quiet similar playing this game for almost 20 years - the community is still active after that time because there is so much content about this game till the finest little details and this community never sleeps, always sharing new build orders, tactics, ideas etc..despite youtubers like "spirit of the law" kept this game with interesting facts alive - i am not comparing those 2 games but rather showing what is needed to make a more complex game successful
◘ We need more frequent updates, news to show this game is actually thriving...and if its just a weekly tutorial, pdf´s with strategies, how and when to use them blablabla....
We need to bring life to this game. Interaction, community involvement, prices, tournaments...there are so many possibilities and CW is just another tool only for pro players
◘ The webpage is not up to date and there is no structure in learning tools (just another sign for players this is a dead game)

Yes this has nothing to do with the new map. But let me say, i don´t think this game is too complicated and i don´t think the map 2.0 is it either. We love the variety and depth of it.
31.03.2022 - 23:38
But to have a new map be premium is a bod move
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