Comment to get on the forum, also if it's prefixed to have instant join rule no units, can you change it to have units? Because as you know people just play with standard settings, and it'll help a lot to have it unchecked.
Comment to get on the forum, also if it's prefixed to have instant join rule no units, can you change it to have units? Because as you know people just play with standard settings, and it'll help a lot to have it unchecked.
If it's unchecked, you will have to wait for the next turn to even join the game, which is worse that joining instantly and being able to move initial units. We're just afraid people will exploit this for sneak attacks - before other players can even realize they have neighbors.
Oh good, so the preset option is to get units on your first turn, thanks. I assumed it wasn't so due to the game we're in.
So can you set prefixed of the now quick paced games to 2 min?
Sol. Δημοσιεύσεις: 33 Από: Νορβηγία
"Press 'end turn' - continue moving troops
In both game types you can now continue moving your troops after clicking 'end turn' (if still waiting for other players). You can use the 'save turn' button afterwards, but if the turn ends in the middle of your actions, they should still be saved (theoretically)."
yay, now i wont fail so much
Great, but world games should be disabled XD since they ll probably last for few months
Garde Δημοσιεύσεις: 2842 Από: Canada
Can you please move people in ranks 0 to 3 into the beginner room by default? They should be allowed to play in Main for now but only until the community grows to a sufficient size. Still, all the games new players create should be automatically placed in the Beginner room until they reach rank 4.
This was discussed in a forum thread a while ago, I seem to recall and it was a planned feature. Can you comment on the progress of implementing this?
Youth-Oriented, Bydło-Approved
Γραμμένο από YOBA, 30.05.2011 at 12:17
Can you please move people in ranks 0 to 3 into the beginner room by default? They should be allowed to play in Main for now but only until the community grows to a sufficient size. Still, all the games new players create should be automatically placed in the Beginner room until they reach rank 4.
This was discussed in a forum thread a while ago, I seem to recall and it was a planned feature. Can you comment on the progress of implementing this?
Still not enough players. Beginners will feel lonely in their room and leave.
You can filter levels in your game, eventually they'll start their own in pacific, 50k, 4 min turns, high rare units, capture country for 4 turns.
You can filter levels in your game, eventually they'll start their own in pacific, 50k, 4 min turns, high rare units, capture country for 4 turns.
True, but the Beginner room still lies empty.
Beginners should be moved into that room and kept the hell away from the 1337 players until they become 1337 or at least experienced themselves.
Well done Aristosseur, you just missed the whole point of my post. Sincerely... well done.
Youth-Oriented, Bydło-Approved
There seems to be a bug in some casual games that if you click end round it immediately(!) does that despite the other players haven't been able to do their moves
Besides that stuff it's an awesome update and it will attract new players for sure, especially the casual games for players who don't have enough time to play the regular matches.
I LOVE the new casual games! Great work!
"Honour all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honour the king." -1 Peter 2:17
Ok, I didnt figure it out yet, dont't know if its a bug or an easy way players found to abuse casual games, but in less than 8 hours 7 turns have passed and it seems I wasn't the only one unprepared for that.
"Whenever death may surprise us, let it be welcome if our battle cry has reached even one receptive ear and another hand reaches out to take up our arms".
Okay loving the update, but i have a couple of things to throw on the table:
A) Instant join= classic PD rush. That's all it really is
B) idk if anyone else noticed this, but in casual games, if you leave and come back, whatever you said in chat doesn't clear. VERY useful, thank you dev team for putting that in!
There seems to be a bug in some casual games that if you click end round it immediately(!) does that despite the other players haven't been able to do their moves
I have a theory as to how this glitch works. I think it only happens if there is oh say 1 person in a let's say 3 person casual game who does a turn then leaves. Let's say the other 2 people stay for the next turn, and both click end turn. If the 1st person doesn't click start turn, I think it skips that person and goes straight to the next turn. Note that this is just a theory and has yet to be tested, although if someone would be kind enough to prove/disprove this theory by testing, it would be greatly appreciated.
Just a thought to add to the casual games, how about a reminder when you log in that you are in a game? that way during the chaos of your day you don't forget when you log on?
Why fight the body when you can dominate the mind that rules it?
The end turn bug (and a few other ones) has been fixed, it will be included in the server update (later today).
Okay i just proved that my theory is correct. Since there is a bug fix, I will check tomorrow to see if it fixed the bug i'm talking about.
Just a thought to add to the casual games, how about a reminder when you log in that you are in a game? that way during the chaos of your day you don't forget when you log on?
There's an e-mail reminder when a new turn starts in your game. Of course, it only works if you have a valid e-mail in your profile.
Γραμμένο από Ivan, 31.05.2011 at 01:42
Just a thought to add to the casual games, how about a reminder when you log in that you are in a game? that way during the chaos of your day you don't forget when you log on?
There's an e-mail reminder when a new turn starts in your game. Of course, it only works if you have a valid e-mail in your profile.
wouldn't it just be easier to put a notification on the homescreen? rather than sending out massive emails?
Why fight the body when you can dominate the mind that rules it?
wouldn't it just be easier to put a notification on the homescreen? rather than sending out massive emails?
But then you'd have to sit in the game waiting for the notification  Anyway, we'll probably do both.
Γραμμένο από Ivan, 31.05.2011 at 02:29
wouldn't it just be easier to put a notification on the homescreen? rather than sending out massive emails?
But then you'd have to sit in the game waiting for the notification Anyway, we'll probably do both.
ah yeah that's true, silly me, i usually have at least one page of afterwind open lol
Why fight the body when you can dominate the mind that rules it?
I logged on today for what should've been the second week of my game (http://afterwind.com/game/#g/35779960), only to find that is was week 8. I'm guessing that's the glitch people have been referring to?
Hello, I listen to Shakira and Rihanna and I support the multiculturalisation of Europe : )
I logged on today for what should've been the second week of my game (http://afterwind.com/game/#g/35779960), only to find that is was week 8. I'm guessing that's the glitch people have been referring to?
Yes. It's been fixed.
I have just verified that the end turn glitch has been fixed.
So I joined to a casual game on week 4 but i dont received reinforcements. Why?
Carpathia Squad
So I joined to a casual game on week 4 but i dont received reinforcements. Why?
With new instant joins you don't get reinforcements until the next turn (in the old system you had to wait for the new turn to even join the game). It is this way to avoid sneak attacks by late joiners.
Carpathia Squad
Garde Δημοσιεύσεις: 2842 Από: Canada
Γραμμένο από Ivan, 01.06.2011 at 14:43
So I joined to a casual game on week 4 but i dont received reinforcements. Why?
With new instant joins you don't get reinforcements until the next turn (in the old system you had to wait for the new turn to even join the game). It is this way to avoid sneak attacks by late joiners.
These words. Pure perfection they are.
Rawk Δημοσιεύσεις: 14 Από: USA
Just wanted to say thanks for the 12-24 hour timers, it's just what I wanted, and it brought be back to the game.
What happens if I make a couple of moves but don't click end turn. Then the 12h (our game time limit) clock goes down to zero, will my moves count or will they not be done?
Γραμμένο από robincox, 04.07.2011 at 06:15
What happens if I make a couple of moves but don't click end turn. Then the 12h (our game time limit) clock goes down to zero, will my moves count or will they not be done?
If you're in the game at that moment - they will be counted, just like in a regular game. If you make your moves and leave without pressing 'end turn', your movements are not saved.
Is there a way to disable the email notifications? I tried turning off the notifications in my settings but that appears only to relate to quotes and clan invitations...?
You need to edit it while in-game. You can untick the box to disable e-mails in your settings.
"Whenever death may surprise us, let it be welcome if our battle cry has reached even one receptive ear and another hand reaches out to take up our arms".
dbkblk Δημοσιεύσεις: 3 Από: Γαλλία
I host a private game with friends and someone could not have played for 3 days and he was ejected from the game automatically. The fourth day, he had to recreate his nation from the scratch :/
Do you plan to have an option to disable that feature (or to set it to an higher day inactivity count) ?
We prefer to play with "dead nations" rather than be ejected if we cannot play for three days.
Thanks for this wonderful game,
Γραμμένο από dbkblk, 05.09.2011 at 11:59
I host a private game with friends and someone could not have played for 3 days and he was ejected from the game automatically. The fourth day, he had to recreate his nation from the scratch :/
Do you plan to have an option to disable that feature (or to set it to an higher day inactivity count) ?
We prefer to play with "dead nations" rather than be ejected if we cannot play for three days.
Thanks for this wonderful game,
Yes, I had similar problems myself when I couldn't play for several days and had to give up all my running casual games. Perhaps we can raise the limit (7 days?) - after all, inactive players are rather easy to eliminate anyway.
Γραμμένο από Ivan, 07.09.2011 at 02:28 Perhaps we can raise the limit (7 days?) - after all, inactive players are rather easy to eliminate anyway.
"Whenever death may surprise us, let it be welcome if our battle cry has reached even one receptive ear and another hand reaches out to take up our arms".
dbkblk Δημοσιεύσεις: 3 Από: Γαλλία
Thanks you to have taken care of my comment : )