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Δημοσιεύθηκε από Xenomega, 01.03.2021 - 15:21
I am still wondering how much time it has to take to make people realize some apparent things.

First of all, the number of competitive players is constantly shrinking. Since almost all currently active ones registered before 2016 and you can see more and more players going inactive every day, the trend is obvious. Currently active coalitions have at most 100 competitive players, for which I doubt more than half are active. Back in 2016 in the peak period of overall activity, Epic Clan had almost 60 members itself, out of which almost all played CW. Let's not even mention other coalitions like ENIGMA, SM and Mystics all had 20-30 players each. MK and several other smaller coalitions had up to 20 aswell. Unlike in this moment, at that time 90% of the mentioned players were active. The bar to join is very high aswell. All the skills of new players are overshadowed by experience of the old players who are playing the same map for years and years.

Second, the most basic competitive setting, EU+ 10k, has been played out. Since the vast majority of games are played with 6 picks and each team can pick one of the two picks in three parts of the map, there are 8 combinations total to play. Even with a few extra combinations, there is not much change. Adding that the most games are decided in first 8 turns, you can conclude the initial picks as well as the initial picks are the deciding factor in the victory. Now tell me what is the last time you've seen something new happening in CW? All moves have already been seen, they all have been played out. There have been at least 6000 CWs so far (90% of them on EU+) and at least 10 times that many duels on EU+.

The solution to that is obvious, and it's that the competitive scene stops being elitist, exclusive and egocentric. Playing diverse maps, even the other parts of world map, as well as scenarios, would increase the number of people participating in CWs 10 times. There are far more scenario, RP and world map players than competitive players, as it could be seen from several polls conducted in past. The exclusion of them from one of the most interesting features this game offers has to stop, or the game will ultimately suffer. Choose wisely.
05.03.2021 - 13:24
 Dave (Διαχειριστής)
Γραμμένο από Dominoz, 05.03.2021 at 08:43

Nice stats, but out of that 719,213 only 50 players are on everyday

Not sure where you get that 50 number, because we've had 1,381 players online within the last 24 hours. Not all at the same time obviously, but even at the deadest time of night there's more than 50 players on.

Probably you're only looking at the number of players sitting in the main lobby. This doesn't count people who are already in games, unless they have enabled room chat. And there are other rooms besides Quick / Main

Edit: if you want an accurate count at any time, just look here: (you can even click the links to see who they are)

All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer,
but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved.
--Sun Tzu

05.03.2021 - 14:05
Γραμμένο από Dave, 05.03.2021 at 13:24

Γραμμένο από Dominoz, 05.03.2021 at 08:43

Nice stats, but out of that 719,213 only 50 players are on everyday

Not sure where you get that 50 number, because we've had 1,381 players online within the last 24 hours. Not all at the same time obviously, but even at the deadest time of night there's more than 50 players on.

Probably you're only looking at the number of players sitting in the main lobby. This doesn't count people who are already in games, unless they have enabled room chat. And there are other rooms besides Quick / Main

Edit: if you want an accurate count at any time, just look here: (you can even click the links to see who they are)

You are pretty popular 181 messages and 21 notifications
05.03.2021 - 14:35
Γραμμένο από Metyu, 05.03.2021 at 14:05

Γραμμένο από Dave, 05.03.2021 at 13:24

Γραμμένο από Dominoz, 05.03.2021 at 08:43

Nice stats, but out of that 719,213 only 50 players are on everyday

Not sure where you get that 50 number, because we've had 1,381 players online within the last 24 hours. Not all at the same time obviously, but even at the deadest time of night there's more than 50 players on.

Probably you're only looking at the number of players sitting in the main lobby. This doesn't count people who are already in games, unless they have enabled room chat. And there are other rooms besides Quick / Main

Edit: if you want an accurate count at any time, just look here: (you can even click the links to see who they are)

You are pretty popular 181 messages and 21 notifications

pretty close to my popularity

06.03.2021 - 11:12
"The solution to that is obvious, and it's that the competitive scene stops being elitist, exclusive and egocentric. Playing diverse maps, even the other parts of world map, as well as scenarios, would increase the number of people participating in CWs 10 times. There are far more scenario, RP and world map players than competitive players, as it could be seen from several polls conducted in past. The exclusion of them from one of the most interesting features this game offers has to stop, or the game will ultimately suffer. Choose wisely."

I wanted to try and play some scenario maps like ultimate ww2 and ww1, but no-one wants to do a CW on them with me, the reason why is the amount of Elo gained doesn't change, you get the same amount of elo from winning a 9v9 as you do a 2v2, there's no incentive to create larger CW's because there's simply no reason to spend your time trying to set up a 9v9 when you could easily do a 2v2 for the same gains. No-ones going to play diverse maps or scenarios unless this changes.
06.03.2021 - 13:55
Happiness = reality - expectations
06.03.2021 - 16:59
Γραμμένο από B0W D0WN, 06.03.2021 at 11:12

I wanted to try and play some scenario maps like ultimate ww2 and ww1, but no-one wants to do a CW on them with me, the reason why is the amount of Elo gained doesn't change, you get the same amount of elo from winning a 9v9 as you do a 2v2, there's no incentive to create larger CW's because there's simply no reason to spend your time trying to set up a 9v9 when you could easily do a 2v2 for the same gains. No-ones going to play diverse maps or scenarios unless this changes.

Umm.. Scenario clan wars are bugged... Its not that people dont want to play, its just that they cant
Orcs are a horde, much like Turks. Elves and Men are light skinned, Orcs are often darker/sallow skinned, like Turks.

Istanbul?Thats not how you pronounce Constantinople
06.03.2021 - 19:32
 Witch-Doctor (Επόπτης)
Γραμμένο από Alex, 06.03.2021 at 16:59

Γραμμένο από B0W D0WN, 06.03.2021 at 11:12

I wanted to try and play some scenario maps like ultimate ww2 and ww1, but no-one wants to do a CW on them with me, the reason why is the amount of Elo gained doesn't change, you get the same amount of elo from winning a 9v9 as you do a 2v2, there's no incentive to create larger CW's because there's simply no reason to spend your time trying to set up a 9v9 when you could easily do a 2v2 for the same gains. No-ones going to play diverse maps or scenarios unless this changes.

Umm.. Scenario clan wars are bugged... Its not that people dont want to play, its just that they cant

Apparently sometimes the scen cw isn't bugged and sometimes it is.
06.03.2021 - 20:16
Alex just exposed that rat called Leo for banning poor metyu without testing anything and without believing his words. Congrats.
06.03.2021 - 20:25
 Witch-Doctor (Επόπτης)
There's a bug where if you can settings after hosting, it goes 0 max player count. Also, players can pick any side of the scenario regardless of their clan.
07.03.2021 - 06:34
Γραμμένο από JUGERS2, 06.03.2021 at 20:16

Alex just exposed that rat called Leo for banning poor metyu without testing anything and without believing his words. Congrats.

Well i was banned for just a day, therefore, i am not going to make it a big case but yes i was banned for nothing...
07.03.2021 - 13:50

>playing atwar:

Furthermore, I consider that NWE must be destroyed
08.03.2021 - 00:24
Γραμμένο από j-e-s-u-s, 07.03.2021 at 13:50


13.03.2021 - 15:40
Ah Atwar... even in 2016 people were complaining 3v3 eu 10k was played out and tired and we needed something fresh. But new maps tend to be unbalanced and there was a long patch of like 3 years where Ivan and Amok wouldnt work on the new map editor for html5... so blame them.
13.03.2021 - 23:07
Γραμμένο από B0W D0WN, 06.03.2021 at 11:12

"The solution to that is obvious, and it's that the competitive scene stops being elitist, exclusive and egocentric. Playing diverse maps, even the other parts of world map, as well as scenarios, would increase the number of people participating in CWs 10 times. There are far more scenario, RP and world map players than competitive players, as it could be seen from several polls conducted in past. The exclusion of them from one of the most interesting features this game offers has to stop, or the game will ultimately suffer. Choose wisely."

I wanted to try and play some scenario maps like ultimate ww2 and ww1, but no-one wants to do a CW on them with me, the reason why is the amount of Elo gained doesn't change, you get the same amount of elo from winning a 9v9 as you do a 2v2, there's no incentive to create larger CW's because there's simply no reason to spend your time trying to set up a 9v9 when you could easily do a 2v2 for the same gains. No-ones going to play diverse maps or scenarios unless this changes.

who are you even quoting lmaoooooooo
14.03.2021 - 13:29
Γραμμένο από Oleg, 05.03.2021 at 14:35

Γραμμένο από Metyu, 05.03.2021 at 14:05

Γραμμένο από Dave, 05.03.2021 at 13:24

Γραμμένο από Dominoz, 05.03.2021 at 08:43

Nice stats, but out of that 719,213 only 50 players are on everyday

Not sure where you get that 50 number, because we've had 1,381 players online within the last 24 hours. Not all at the same time obviously, but even at the deadest time of night there's more than 50 players on.

Probably you're only looking at the number of players sitting in the main lobby. This doesn't count people who are already in games, unless they have enabled room chat. And there are other rooms besides Quick / Main

Edit: if you want an accurate count at any time, just look here: (you can even click the links to see who they are)

You are pretty popular 181 messages and 21 notifications

pretty close to my popularity


14.03.2021 - 15:16
Biggest issue was always the egotism and antisocial behavior most competitive players exhibited, from the very beginning in 2011 to at least 2019 it was always an ivory tower. To some you weren't a "competitive" player unless you had at least one competitive trophy, despite having played for tens of hours already, if not hundreds in some cases. Along with this, you can only beat a dead horse (EU+) for so long before it becomes boring. The metagame involved in trying to make new and interesting expansion methods, utilize strategies in ways people wouldn't normally expect, and so on is what really kept competitive fresh for a long time.

The biggest hurdle will always be knocking down the notion that competitive is for 'elite' players only, it drives anyone interested in partaking in the comp scene to the hills screaming. Skenderbeg mentioned my idea from some year ago of introducing a matchmaking/anonymous mechanic in to help curb the fear factor of dealing with elite people: I still believe this would be the best approach to helping revitalize the comp scene without having to introduce massive new systems that basically remake the lobby system as we know it. Have some sort of option where a player can click a button to host a new comp lobby, and everyone who joins until its full is anonymous with no chat functionality until you're in a team and picking has begun. Or at the least, start with this as the principle notion and work from there developing a system where people can play and not feel like they're being judged, which is the sole issue entirely with getting new people in.

AtWar's comp scene is a gauntlet of egotists feasting upon the laypeople, once you can eradicate this perpetual system, the scene should have some fresh air breathed into it.
14.03.2021 - 15:40
It sucks to just enter competitive play since there's what, 5 coalitions that actually bother matching up consistently? The problem isn't EU+ or stale play, it's allowing newcomers to actually bother cw'ing. Before someone says it, no, I don't mean new players like Paradox Youth or UNS. I mean people who went from R0-10 without a single cw played. The only coalitions that I have seen doing this are Hellenism and Narcos. I have not seen a single other coalition bringing new blood into their games since I've been back. It's always the same roster of 20 people, every time, no exceptions.
[pr] ●HellRaiserX666X: ever try beating your meat with sand paper?
14.03.2021 - 16:26
Γραμμένο από j-e-s-u-s, 07.03.2021 at 13:50

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