Δημοσιεύσεις: 31   Επισκέφθηκε από: 173 users
15.05.2013 - 12:15
Here are the rules to this game:

1. Nations that declare war on each other must state it in game chat with a reason & must wait for the UN to accept or decline.
The UN cannot decline certain reasons for war.

2. Neutral territory will be auctioned by UN2 or UNs will split it evenly between the nations of the region.

3. Oil fields are free game in international waters only. The oilrigs in international waters is still ffa even if its occupied however if a nation takes another nation's oil rig in international waters then it's a legitimate reason of war.

4. Nations & UN cannot enter another nation's airspace or land without permission. Trespassing is a legitimate reason for war however nations and UN must give that player 1 turn to leave the other nation.

5. Nations can support their allies by helping to defend land or by giving money, but they cannot help invade without
UN permission. Also Allies of a rogue nation must pay debt for rogue's destruction unless they unally that rogue nation
before the war.

6. Each nation has voting powers. If enough votes are in UN has to allow it. example: if USA declares war on Mexico
and at least 4 nations agree then war must go on however Mexico will have 2 turns to prepare. Nations can vote against it as well.
If a nation doesn't give the defending nation a chance to prepare then they will become a rogue nation.

7. Threats are a legitimate reason for war.

8. The UN cannot use or build nukes at all or it's auto rogue for them!

9. The International community can veto UN declarations or declare a UN rogue with 3/4 majority, rounded down.

10. UN can't stop World War III however they can protect nations that wish to stay neutral.

11. The UN cannot occupy land and/or oilrigs/oilfields at all. The UN can however conquer rogue nations until the nation is dead then UN must clear out

12. If a nation is attacking a rogue nation the UN must allow the nation to conquer the rogue nation as the land is Free for all.

13. If a UN drops out, quits, or goes Rogue then one of the UNs will be need to take over for that UN.

14. If UN is exploiting favoritism then they are to be considered rogues.

15. A nation can file for bankruptcy but by doing so the land that the bankrupt nation has purchased will be auctioned by UN2 and that nation will not be able to buy land for 5 turns.

16. International waters is Free for All! it's kill or be killed and it's not a reason for war. Only exception is that UN units cannot be attacked or you will become a rogue nation.

17. All nations are responsible for getting rid of Al Terror in their regions. UN cannot help nations against Al Terror unless Al Terror has accomplished the following:

* capturing a nation's capital
* using nuclear weapons
* Attacking UN whether it be one of the bases and/or units.
* If they become too powerful to be contained by Nations.

There are 3 UNs in the game:

*UN1 is responsible for North America and Europe.

*UN2 is responsible for Africa and South American

*UN3 is responsible for Asia and Oceania.

*UN1 and UN3 is responsible for Russia mainly due to land in both Europe and Asia.
I'll haunt you, Don't tempt me!
15.05.2013 - 12:21
Update 1!

added 4 new units

*Exo Infantry
*Laser Cannon Tanks

Fixed marines and subs so marines can load on to subs again.

made Luxemburg Western European Union's territory and made Malto part of Germany.

added oilfields to each nation to boost income.

added international oilrigs. Their free for all. take as you like but attacking a nation's oilrig in international waters is a reason for war and UN must accept it.

boosted Swiss income and reinforcement so they can defend themselves

increased starting funds for all UNs to 50k and Swiss 70k.

and thats the first update to the scenario! enjoy everyone!
I'll haunt you, Don't tempt me!
15.05.2013 - 12:38
This is just another phatetic try to copy Un Game.
Nothing to impede progress. If you want to see the fate of democracies, look out the windows.
15.05.2013 - 13:05
Vladimir Lenin
Ο λογαριασμός διεγράφη
Isn't this just like DOOM only with more units?
15.05.2013 - 13:21
I never played doom on here lol.
I'll haunt you, Don't tempt me!
15.05.2013 - 14:04
Ban it, ban it already.
I dont understand why people says that Full Package is too expensive:

"I... Feel a little dead inside"
15.05.2013 - 18:18
Lol ban yourself noob you didnt make a map so when you do make one then ill be impressed but until then back off i made this for thoose who wants to play un like myself
I'll haunt you, Don't tempt me!
15.05.2013 - 18:35
Γραμμένο από Ghost-IV, 15.05.2013 at 18:18

Lol ban yourself noob you didnt make a map so when you do make one then ill be impressed but until then back off i made this for thoose who wants to play un like myself

go play Colonial Empires [i made that map]
Nothing to impede progress. If you want to see the fate of democracies, look out the windows.
15.05.2013 - 22:49
I will try it out another time like maybe in a couple days i am busy trying to make this scenario balanced for all players
I'll haunt you, Don't tempt me!
16.05.2013 - 22:30
Btw laser cannon tanks cost money now it has been fixed
I'll haunt you, Don't tempt me!
18.05.2013 - 00:15
Update # 2

Hello guys,

I have updated this once again with some awesome stuff!

first off, New Units!

The units are:

*UN BlackBird (UN Special Recon Plane)
*Anti Nuke Lasers (Capable of destroying nukes)
*Armoured Transport Vehicle (able to transport up to 10 infantry)
*Hamsters! Our Spoof Units haha!
*Anti Tank Infantry (yup thats exactly what they are!)
*Recon Submarine (able to spot enemy stealth units in the ocean now!)

Secondly, I have upgraded laser tanks so they are not soo weak comparing to the cost
to buy them. For doing that i also upgraded mechs to be able to have a small power over
laser tanks.

Lastly, I have deployed more un units at the beginning of the game to make it easier
to deal with rogue nations. Also USA had an issue not been able to make nukes but now they can.

Any questions please plot a line!

I'll haunt you, Don't tempt me!
19.05.2013 - 23:43
Good map weak creator, lets get this straight I travel half way across the map to kill a rouge UN3, save ASEAN, back china claim to land he bought, allow some fighting in SA, and approve two wars only to have a bunch of bitches turn on me.
20.05.2013 - 02:19
Vladimir Lenin
Ο λογαριασμός διεγράφη
Γραμμένο από HIGHYIELD, 19.05.2013 at 23:43

Good map weak creator, lets get this straight I travel half way across the map to kill a rouge UN3, save ASEAN, back china claim to land he bought, allow some fighting in SA, and approve two wars only to have a bunch of bitches turn on me.
It's the people, not the map it's self.
20.05.2013 - 19:35
Γραμμένο από HIGHYIELD, 19.05.2013 at 23:43

Good map weak creator, lets get this straight I travel half way across the map to kill a rouge UN3, save ASEAN, back china claim to land he bought, allow some fighting in SA, and approve two wars only to have a bunch of bitches turn on me.

He is still mad about that? High you went rogue in the game thats why we killed you. You approved nuclear war! you cannot do that since your a peacekeeping force not a warmonger. Also you were a one sided un because you approved shit for USA, Mexico, and Japan but you wouldn't approve shit for the rest of the world. It's no wonder why we teamed up to destroy you. Swiss had to help us for crying out loud. None the less Highyield you won't be a UN in any of my games ever again just note that but you can still join and play as a nation. I am sorry that you feel upset and shit but you need to realise that UN cannot approve ww3 or approve nuclear war. You cannot approve war in South America, CNA bought it from swiss. Mexico had no grounds in attacking at all but yet you allowed it. CNA can do whatever he wants with the land no matter what you say because he bought it fair and square.

None the less. I rest my case and I am bringing you all yet another update. Read below this message.
I'll haunt you, Don't tempt me!
20.05.2013 - 19:37
Update #3

Hello and welcome to the third official update!

It's not a big update but it will improve gameplay.

Here are the changes i made to the units.

Increase cost of Armoured Transport Vehicle by 100
Decrease cost of Anti Nuke Laser by 50
Increase cost of mechs by 100
Decrease cost of Laser Tanks by 100
Decrease range of Exo infantry by 1
Decrease range of Fighters by 2
Increase range of Nuke by 3

and finally I added a new unit, The Transport Helicopter! come play to see the new unit!
I'll haunt you, Don't tempt me!
21.05.2013 - 00:17
I didn't approve shit but you're UN units can't stop a nuclear weapon, the black bird is defensive and the only unit that can catch them and can't kill them.
21.05.2013 - 21:30
What does :c mean
21.05.2013 - 23:02
Γραμμένο από Guest, 21.05.2013 at 00:52

Γραμμένο από Ghost-IV, 20.05.2013 at 19:37

Update #3

Hello and welcome to the third official update!

It's not a big update but it will improve gameplay.

Here are the changes i made to the units.

Increase cost of Armoured Transport Vehicle by 100
Decrease cost of Anti Nuke Laser by 50
Increase cost of mechs by 100
Decrease cost of Laser Tanks by 100
Decrease range of Exo infantry by 1
Decrease range of Fighters by 2
Increase range of Nuke by 3

and finally I added a new unit, The Transport Helicopter! come play to see the new unit!

Helicopters can already transport marines :c ill be interested to see your transport helicopter unit

helicopters cannot transport other units like the transport helicopter can!
I'll haunt you, Don't tempt me!
23.05.2013 - 08:52
Vladimir Lenin
Ο λογαριασμός διεγράφη
UN can't allow nuclear and world wars? Wtf is that shit, WW3s are fun!
25.05.2013 - 18:02
Lol WW4 you mean? this is a 2022 map, depicted after the collapse of UN in 2015 which started WW3. However nukes were not used in this game's history but instead heavy combat commenced across the globe. I was thinking of making a WW3 map that leads into the Future UN (2022) map. Depicting the start of the war in 2015. None the less, UN is suppose to keep the peace so yes they cannot allow nuclear war or ww3 however they cannot stop it if it happens (if more then 5 players are fighting in the same war).

Anyways a big update will be coming within the next two weeks. Stay tuned!
I'll haunt you, Don't tempt me!
26.05.2013 - 23:50
Update #4 is here!

Only thing that's new is that Australia gets Soloman Islands now instead of it been neutral AND

The big new thing is.......

New Unique units for each nation! come play Future UN 2022 today and check out the new Unique UNITS!
I'll haunt you, Don't tempt me!
27.05.2013 - 10:26
Update #4!

Yay yet another update so soon!

well its some what big, added in 4 things plus I officially fixed Solomon Islands so its now rightfully Australia's.

First off, I made 4 more international oilrigs across the globe. Now there are more resources in the world.

Secondly, UNs had debt problems before now they won't. They have received additional oilfields.

Thirdly, Added UN blackbirds with the mechs that UN gets at the beginning of the game that are prebuilt. Easier to detect stealth.

Lastly, I am starting a weekly activity for fans. Each week I will make one unit and that unit will be named what your username is! but after a week someone else will take that unit's place so it's only temporary. If you wish to have a unit made in your name please go ahead and post below me. So far I made one unit for a fan and after a week someone else's user will take it's place but I will always change it up so it might not be an infantry unit next time. could be a special tank or jet even. Maybe it could be a nuke named after you lol. It will always be at random. Hurry and post and first come first serve!
I'll haunt you, Don't tempt me!
02.06.2013 - 02:44
Update #5!

Here is a new update to the map with more updates coming!

Added a bankruptcy rule.
Added international waters war rule.
Replaced hdrakon infantry with new unit using DeathIsUponYou's name as per weekly activity for fans.
Added short and long range missiles!
Added a laser battleship!

stay tuned for next update!
I'll haunt you, Don't tempt me!
02.06.2013 - 06:41
This is so dead
02.06.2013 - 10:23
Swiss is no longer Swiss once I have made further updates but until then continue to use swiss as the world bank and a backup UN.

Thanks everyone

I'll haunt you, Don't tempt me!
02.06.2013 - 10:25
P.S. Swiss is called Al Terror temporary its for the new update continue to use it as swiss however
I'll haunt you, Don't tempt me!
03.06.2013 - 20:08
Update #6!

Hey guys another new and exciting update!

No I'm sorry that I did not get to add new navy units but I have changed the following.

Updated the rules to fit new updates.
replaced Swiss with Al Terror. Al Terror is a player control terrorist group that is suppose to kill everyone.
Swiss is now part of Western European Union
Ireland is now part of Western European Union
Each nation lost a piece of land to Al Terror so they can operate in each nation's territories.
Added a new unit just for Al Terror called Al Terror's Terrorist.

That is all the updating I have done, I would like to test the new updates.
I'll haunt you, Don't tempt me!
01.07.2013 - 09:25
I like the Al Terror idea it's more realistic to have terrorist groups in each country
не смотри где я - лучше смотри где ты
02.07.2013 - 06:14
Vladimir Lenin
Ο λογαριασμός διεγράφη
Rule 3 is shit. It reduces the oil field to nothing.
03.07.2013 - 19:41
Perhaps but in reality if nations fight over oil then the oil plant will sustain damage and in turn not work as good as before. Either way I will be making big changes on Future UN infact I might even release Future UN 2.0

It will be better and more badass then the previous one lol.
I'll haunt you, Don't tempt me!
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