19.03.2019 - 14:05
Simple question : - is the fact of teaming in a World 50K game (pretty much always the same team joining, for example, India / Japan t1 and kicking the people who may join between those 2 countries) and farming SP in the process is agaisnt the rules ? Those guys farm on an industrial scale and take 0 risks. - kicking or banning all the players that could be a threat just in order to farm noobs. I have a problem with that cause many of those noobs have no idea what they're actually joining (high ranks premiums ally faging) and waste sometimes hours of their time, gaining 300 SP in the process cause the game is rigged. Don't incitate them to continue playing and it's probably leading a lot of them away, just for some low life scum players to reach high ranks with 0 skills. PS : for the record https://fr.atwar-game.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=2706
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19.03.2019 - 14:17
Its legit.
---- ![]() http://atwar-game.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=14714&topicsearch=&page= ![]()
19.03.2019 - 14:38
Warn the players that they should stop ? Again my only problem with that is the following ; the noobs that are joining have 0 chance to win, and just waste hours of their time. It's leading a lot of them away since they get only a few SP, and SP are necessary for actually being able to compete. When u ally fag t5 and u have Asia + middle east, while europe and usa are too stupid to ally (cause they don't realize it generally, or too late) it's not a game anymore.
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19.03.2019 - 14:41
The host can fix all your gripes in the pre game settings, you can even vote on them still during the game. If your infuriated by the type of game you joined then join another or vote with the remaining players to change the settings in game.
---- ![]() We are not the same- I am a Martian.
njab Ο λογαριασμός διεγράφη |
19.03.2019 - 15:19
So you have to play aswell? If not then why bother them?
---- ![]() We are not the same- I am a Martian.
19.03.2019 - 15:22
Helly shut up, you're such an annoying person... My point is : those guys are killing the spirit of the game by ally faging and farming noobs. You agree with that or not.
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19.03.2019 - 15:31
My point is this, mods are aware now, they can check the game logs. If there is no wrong doing then your wasting our time. Besides i took you as an actual low rank. Id of ignored this otherwise.
---- ![]() We are not the same- I am a Martian.
19.03.2019 - 15:41
Unfortunetly you are right, it's a big problem and that's why i stopped to play those kind of games, with 3 ally or more, that's also why team games or ffa are far more interesting to play... But i'm not sure there is a way to avoid that.
19.03.2019 - 15:57
SP farming is bannable. But what you are saying is not as bad as you might think. You don't actually gain very much SP from farming neutrals if you were to kick every single person in East Asia, yea eventually you would fight people in europe but you are already looking at a 3+ hour game. And all for 5-10k sp? I mean in that amount of time you can play 3 or 4 Clan Wars and make more than that. So I really don't think it is that big a deal honestly.
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19.03.2019 - 16:01
You don't get my point. I don't care that they get SP. My problem is that, in the process, they take away from noobs a lot of SP that those beginners would normally get if the high ranks weren't ally faging. So beginners, who needs SP to compete, get less SP, progress more slowly in the game and i think it's leading some of them away.
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19.03.2019 - 16:05
Yes I understand. Although it's entirely up to the player if they want to join that game or create their own with their own set of rules. Nothing can be done just because players are farming and playing for their own SP. High rank players are players also. That is why there is a Beginner Room, and a Main Room.
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19.03.2019 - 16:14
I was expecting that argument, but it's not valid for a simple reason : - when a noob join a game he has no idea what he's actually joining ; - i think we should just add a rule in the rules saying that farm (which can easily be defined) is forbidden. I just consider it's stupid, when u have already all the upgrades, to keep farming and take away elo from the beginners. It's reprehensible behavior + not competitive at all, since those guys are high ranks with premium and all upgrades, fighting r3-8 non premiums with, again, tacite alliance at turn 0.
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19.03.2019 - 16:29
How else are not sure going to learn why not to allyfag and how not to make diplomatic mistakes? I think you're blowing this out of proportion.
19.03.2019 - 16:30
There is no argument. Unless new rules are implemented which isn't happening any time soon happens. There won't be change to what you are asking. There is a beginner room for rank 0-6. And a main room for 7+. By the time are you rank 7 you have spent multiple hours on this game to know how to play.
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19.03.2019 - 17:51
I think you have the answer to your question. Yes it sucks and is kinda dickish. Welcome to the internet. I don't think its explicitly banned, nor should it be. Let them deal with the natural community consequences. (ie people not playing with them, them not having the skills to match their SP rank, the fact that its really not that efficient, ect) Sorry you didn't get the answer you wanted, and the support you think your opinion deserves. I can see you are upset about this and maybe should be, but asking for answers and opinions when you already have a preconception, and then getting more upset when the answers and opinions you receive do not match your own prior judgment is going to do little to resolve your ire.
19.03.2019 - 19:45
I may or may not join their game, and fund them to wreck the nubs
---- Not a good player
20.03.2019 - 00:57
I don't think this issue can be addressed, or if it a...real issue. Isn't there the same problem in duels, 3v3s, scenarios, ww1, whether is sp or elo? It's like a pattern: all the noobs are getting recked while even the fairly decent player can swipe through a bunch of them. To be honest, when I was playing aw 'unconsciously' (2012-2015) I didn't even care about these issues because I simply didn't like the game to play it intensely. So if a newcomer will get farmed in these world games, he won't even care, because anyway he is testing the game and mecoy said it, there is always the beginner room. You can't explain this to all noobs who enter such a game, that he will get farmed, all of them just go with the flow. Personally I don't play world games, only rarely, but my clannies do, and u can't imagine what strong competition is in this type of games. They sometimes stay 30-60 turns in a game, a noob: 1. can't resist mentally and physically such an amounth of time. 2. there is actual competition between the world game players and they can confirm it. In short, I agree with Caesar that this issue can't be policed and I don't even think it's an issue...or one worth the fuss.
---- For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. ![]()
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